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How Life is

Updated on March 14, 2020

I like adding life to lifeless lives that is why I cannot do without creative writing, because it is a way of touching some hopeless lives


1. She was a baby

Yesterday and has grown

To be beautiful damsel

2. She is at the

Foundational level of the

Beautiful one being expected

3. Looking at her mum,

Elder siblings seeing features

They have on her

4. Started imitating them acting

Like adult and was

Called aside by mum

5. As she silently sat

By her mum she

Made an illustration to her

6. Using a very hot

Stew that is being

Stirred on the cooker

7. Asked her to look

She looked at it

Not knowing what’s up

8. After she finishes would

Ask her something from

What she has seen

9. She nodded in approval

And understanding of what

Her mom has said


10. Mother took part of

It from the cooker

Into a clean plate

11. Hands her the hot

Stew and asks her

To taste it as it is

12. She replied that it

Is yet hot that

She should let her cool

13. Her mum insisted that

She should at least

Taste out of it

14. No I don’t want

To, I want is

Temperature to go down

15. Mother sighed her arms

Across her shoulder as

She sits by her

16. That’s how life is

Daughter when one in

A haste tastes hot stew

17. one would be affected

For taste buds and

Palate coverings would be bruised

18. It may even grow

Beyond there to upper

Portion of esophagus lining


19. Bruising those layers and

When that happens the

Hot stew ‘ld be left

20. Waiting for it to

Be cold, thereafter one

Would start to lick it

21. But at this period

The eroded epithelial linings

Of buds, palates and esophagus

22. Would not allow one

To enjoy the stew

Again. That’s how life is.

23. When a youth starts

Doing what adults are

Doing she will harm herself

24. When she gets to

The phase that she

Ought to be doing it

25. The joy would be

Lost because of the

Past injuries she sustained

26. Take it easy with

Yourself, wait till time

Be ripe for you

27. So that you won’t

Regret your past actions

In the future days.



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