How Technology Has Destroyed The Human Race
Last night I was watching the movie “Terminator: Rise of the Machines.” The movie is part of the Terminator franchise and it is about computers and technology overpowering humanity, causing the inevitable “judgement day” to strike planet earth. When I first watched this ten years ago, I laughed and thought movie makers just have too much of an imagination and it’s causing them to portray their madness as entertainment. Then it dawned on me that these cinematologists have created a pathway of initiating insanity into the world and slowly the world has now adopted insanity as the norm and the norm as insanity.
More people in the world have access to a smartphone than they have access to clean water or a toilet.
In the US, 1 out of 4 two year olds owns a smartphone.
Over 70 percent of us have lost the ability to use our brains for simple maths. We don't even use calculators. We know use Google to solve 164 x 346
Fast forward thirty years later after the first Terminator movie was made, it has become apparent that machines are now in charge of earth. Today’s world is really being run by computers and technology. Every form of life has been infected with this so called glorious achievement. Human beings no longer communicate face to face with each other like they used to. We have now replaced the simple art of face to face conversation with countless amounts of electronic devices to do what we were naturally born to do. We can no longer do anything humanely or naturally. We invented powerful media (radio, TV, internet, phones, tablets etc) and although the main purpose of these entities was to ease our burden of daily life, it has turned into a catastrophe. We used to be able to think for ourselves and be able to imagine a concept all on our own, but sadly after the birth of technology, we depend on it to think. We are no longer capable of living life without these machines. Instead of us using the brain we were given to create good, we have destroyed the brain structure and infested it with the technology we created.
Take a look at your normal day today. When you go outside, you will no doubt meet a life like zombie. The jogger who wears sunglasses and has earpieces so he doesn’t see or hear you. When you get on a bus or train, every passenger is glued to some kind of device so they avoid even noticing you. When you go to a restaurant or a coffee shop, the customers all staring at their laptops, smartphones, iPods, iPads, etc. It’s like a complete plague, created by humans and is destroying the essence of being a human being.
Do you think technology is a blessing or a curse?
Families used to gather around the table, have breakfast, lunch and dinner together. Now it’s a text that decides whether you will join the table. When you went to a party, your aim was to socialize with other people and not stare at some device. When you went to school, your goal was to learn something that will benefit your well being but in school now, you are taught how to become a zombie. Children no longer know how to play. They are stuck indoors or when they are outside they sit on a bench and all stare at the machine their parents bought for them. Young children are forced to look like and behave like adults before they can be children. Young people cannot control themselves and are constantly on the rampage of killing or destroying people. Marriages are ending at a click of a button (social media). Violence has hit an all time high with people having no reason at all to harm others but just because too much of the technology we have created has turned us into barbarians.
The saddest thing is that humanity doesn’t seem to realize how much their creations are destroying us rather than helping us. The creation of media was supposed to ease our burden of trying to find out what is going on around us, but instead it has brought the destruction of morality and the disdain of society. Once upon a time, parents were the gods of the family. A mother knew how to raise her child without being told by some snob on TV who claims to have magic powers of “super nanny” to cure the dysfunction of families. Fathers were the head of the household whose presence alone sparked, respect and honour in the children and wife. But thanks to the creation of technology and media, men now want to be women and women want to be men. Men are tricked into believing that lusting after one another is pure and natural, women are plagued by constant pressures of having a perfect body, children are taught that disrespect and criminality is the proper conduct of living as a human on earth.
Even the animal kingdoms are suffering the consequences of human arrogance. Once upon a time animals had homes and lives in the wild, free, open space called the jungle. They survived naturally but once humans came in the picture, they are now captives who are encaged in a prison they call a zoo.
As a human living in the earth today, it saddens me to see our beautiful planet crumbling daily. We do not realize that these devices we have created have instigated fear, destruction and dissolution amongst ourselves.
If we continue to build these so called technologies then we are bound to extinct ourselves at some point. You may think that you have no power to stop this ever expanding rate of creation of gadgets but you are wrong. By going back to our humanity roots of kindness, goodness, mercy, patience, gentleness, self control, love for one another, we can slowly overcome this plague. When we recognize that we were given this planet for the purpose of being in good terms with the creator, then all will go well for us. No creation is greater than its creator and so one day the creator will come to set things right to what they were originally purposed for. I urge you today to get yourself in order for I truly believe that the creator is on his way to take back his planet. If you have succumbed yourself into the destructions of this world, then it’s not too late to turn back and set yourself right with him. Only if you forsake the plagues we have created and live according to the true humanity we once had, then can you truly be spared the wrath you will incur on judgment day indeed.