How to Write Great Articles and Stay Motivated While Writing
When it comes to writing great articles, there are various things you should remember. A few of them that you may already know are using simple words and languages, writing short sentences, and avoiding repetition of words.
However, there are many perquisites you should remember before you start writing. These are the things that can decide whether your articles would be great or not.
In this article, I’m going to discuss some of the best ways on how to write great articles consistently. Let’s have a look at them below one by one:
#1. Decide and Research on the Topic
Before you sit down and start writing, you must decide on the topic you want to write on. You should be clear about the topic you’re going to write for the target audience.
Do proper research for the demands for your topic in terms of search volume. Use free tools like Google Trends or Google search to get a rough idea about the popularity of the topic you want to write.
You don’t want to write on a topic that nobody searches for on the internet, right?
#2. Find Long-tail Keywords
In case you don’t know yet, long-tail keywords are those key phrases that consist of three or more related words. Using the long-tail keywords in your article helps you to rank better in the search engine results page. And this will bring more traffic to your article.
You can search for these keywords using various tools, such as,, and However, don’t force yourself to use long-tail keywords if it’s coming naturally in a sentence.
If you do that, there are chances Google will penalize your website or that particular web page.
#3. Create a Catchy and Attractive Title
The article title is the first thing a reader will see before going through the content. Many experienced online writers and marketers suggest that a title holds as much importance as the content in the article.
So, it is clear that your article title is extremely important. Make sure to spend enough time to come up with attention-grabbing titles. They should entice people to go ahead and read your post.
But you must avoid using the clickbait technique to write exaggerated titles. Clickbait titles lead to misleading information for readers. And according to some experts, the continuous usage of exaggerated titles can lead to lower rankings in Google’s results page.
#4. Write Long-form and Captivating Content
Search engines, like Google, love long-form articles. So, you should aim for writing at least 700 words long articles.
When you’re writing such articles, be sure to use simple language. Readability plays an important role in online articles or blogs.
Although your article should be written for readers, you should not completely forget about search engines. It should be search-engine friendly.
Use tools like Grammarly to correct major spelling and grammar errors. Don’t just rely on text. Utilize rich media like images and videos of high-quality in your articles to make it more engaging.
Always proofread and edit your article several times before publishing it online.
#5. Give Proper Formatting and Presentation to your Article
Many writers focus on writing quality content. They don’t give much importance to the presentation and formatting of the article.
As much as the information you put in your article, the way you present it to the readers is also crucial.
Make sure you divide your article into small paragraphs. Use bulleted points, highlight the sub-headings, and underline the words as and when required. This will attract more readers to your article.
So now, let me tell you some tips on how you can stay focused and motivated while writing an article:
Tips to Stay Motivated While Writing
1. Write Every day:
Writing is an art that can be improved through consistent efforts. Start writing every day to make it a habit. It will easier for you to write once you become regular in your writing.
Assign a fixed place and time for writing at your home or anywhere else. For most writers, morning till afternoon can be the ideal time for writing. However, there’s no rule of thumb for the same.
Avoid opening unnecessary tabs on your browser while researching for the topic to remove all distractions. Also, if possible, put your phone in silent mode during your writing process.
2. Take Short Breaks
Don’t force yourself to write continuously for long hours. Instead, take short breaks between your writing. It is essential to give your mind a short rest to allow the right flow of ideas and thoughts.
For every 1.5-2 hours of work, be sure to take at least 30 minutes of break to freshen up and give your mind a rest.
3. Remember Why You're Writing
It is important to keep in mind the reason behind the writing. Is it to build your writing empire in the future? Do you want to fulfill your passion for writing? Or want to become a well-renowned author.
There could be countless reasons why you may be writing. Remember the reason in the back of your mind while writing and you’ll be inspired all the time.
4. Get Inspiration from Other Writers and Authors
You cannot become a good writer unless you read and take inspiration from more experienced writers or authors.
Explore various social media platforms to see what other writers are up to and how they’re interacting with the audience. Follow them and their published articles to get hold of how they write.
Analyze what exactly they do to engage readers. Slowly and gradually you will learn many things from them that you can apply to your writing as well.
Last but not the least, listen to motivational writing podcasts to stay focused on your writing goals and get new ideas.
Final Words
Writing is an art that is not everybody’s cup of tea. However, if you have an interest in writing, and you are ready to put some effort into the same, then nobody can stop you from writing great articles.
When you’re focused and inspired within, the words will flow from your mind effortlessly. By following the above tips, you can write awesome articles that engage the right audience and bring in more traffic.
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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2020 Nikhil Sharma