Because I Have my "Plastic Jesus"
When the weight of the rusty carriage finally eroded into nothing but eyesore, you had it hauled off.
I sat with my son, and his friends outside under a full moon sky
listening to them play guitars and sing songs
looking at their guitar cases and how each has its own set of stickers
such a cool and subtle way to show one’s self
And the voice of Spring?
A new friend I feel so lucky to meet
This girl can sing
So beautifully
So harmonically
So soulfully
A luminous rhyme
Golden keys every time
“Hello Darkness, my old friend, I’ve come to see you once again…”
Wrapped its poetry
Around my sunburned shoulders
“Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain”
Fell like raindrops fall
Down my cheeks
My “tenement hall”
The one from “Cool Hand Luke” about the “plastic Jesus”
I could see the cars with dashboards
rolling down backstreets in every town
“Me and Bobby McGee”
My favorite line ever: “…feeling as nearly faded as my jeans”
I miss those jeans. I still have them. And I will wear them again.
Until… I wear another pair, pull my hair back and wear glasses
As I am now a weed-eating machine owner and operator
Perhaps, no big deal to you or anyone else
But it is my awesome Mother’s Day Gift
A novice for sure because I can look all around and see patches
where I missed
I am convinced a secret dandy lion
lies in wait
blows me messages
little puffs of stuff in the wind
so that as night falls
“Hello [Nyquil] my old friend, I’ve come to see you again”
Still, there is light and time to do the walk around
Something, we always did together
You with a can of beer and me with my glass of wine
Stopping to pull up a weed by hand
Commenting on the status of the azaleas
Puzzling over why certain ones thrive
Before long, rakes and leaf piles
Clippers and lists
Twigs and branches
Roasting marshmallows over an open fire
But it’s just me now
I am doing okay
Thank goodness for friends
Because I clipped the ivy
I clipped it real good
So much so that when I picked up the root vine
A briar shoved its thorn into my thumb
Slashed the side
I know. I know.
I should have worn gloves.
Luckily, I have friends
who have no problem
sticking the needle end of a safety pin
into my thumb
taking a pair of tweezers and pulling that thorn out
like how you finally came and towed the rusty carriage
away -- even though you had promised
100 times before
Tells me
You are gone
Only rusty flakes remain
As I lie awake at night
I think of the weeds left to cut
And wonder how much time
Mama has left
Daddy says Hospice
Is set to come in
“Hello Darkness, my old friend”
Help me make it once again
Remind me to hold my head high
Show me how to fight the tears
Not to be afraid
Not to cry
Not to let those weeds
Choke my daisies
Or make my bleeding heart
Go crazy
Hold my hand
On this journey
Where it leads
I do not know
But it is okay
Even if it’s scary
I will keep
Keeping on
With another
Or all alone
For I have got my “plastic Jesus”
- Plastic Jesus ~ Tia Blake - YouTube
I love this lady's voice and gentle delivery. All I knew about her when I posted this was that she made a single EP in the 1970s and then disappeared. Thanks...
© 2015 ocfireflies