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How to Write About Spirituality and Religions

Updated on April 26, 2020
Annas israr profile image

Helping to solve Dilemma of society.Grass around is no more green . water is no more clear. Thoughts are damaged and hearts are wounded

Understanding Behaviors

You can understand people by getting involved into them ask them, play with them, and most often understand their nature, once you actually understand what they really want you can easily make your mind that how you can influence them and how you can help yourself to understand them the thing which you actually want them to understand.

Spirit Analyzing

Spirit is the core fundamental of human nature once you get to it, you can have a whole person ideology to grab. It is something in between human heart and mind; understanding it is quite easy most often you feel that there is nothing left in your life, and you believe that everything I do is worthless. Still, suddenly they have come to a voice from your soul that ask you to follow the right path and grab what you don't have to achieve what you don't have and certainly in seconds you change your mind and determine to do something that helps you to get out of this that is a spirit.

Religious Mindset

Religion is something that helps you to understand the difference between right and wrong and set a perimeter to understand the limits of evil and goodness, but! Question is most of the terrorism occurs in the name of religion? I will try to answer it in the latter part of my article lets focus on understanding the theme of faith, so as i mention the basic definition of faith from this, you cannot analyze the extremist mindset behind every religion. There is something that is going against what every religion preaches. Now we will get to it one by one to understand the extremism and brutality of people in the name of religion

Factors behind religious Extremism !

Extremism is holding extreme political or religious views on something. Forget political extremism for a while here we can look forward to religious extremism. Reasons behind religious extremism are,
1. False imams or preachers.
2. Not getting to the depth of reality.
3.Lack of parental guidelines.
4.Lack of Education.
5.Lack of Quality Education.
6.Extremist Environment.
There are several other factors, but these are the core factors that influence human nature towards extremism.

Strategy to write ?

After understanding the core concept of spiritual religion and the extremist mindset, let's move towards the strategy that will help you to understand the techniques of how to converse to a person that is religious-minded or extremist minded or entirely spiritual human. If we look closer, we all are human beings, and the nature of most of us is a bit of the same, but with environment or education, we tend to believe or understand differently. If we somehow to distinguish the two or three of some essential human natures, we could differentiate all the humans easily let us move towards the strategy step by step.

1. Don't show your clear thoughts

.Thoughts always reflect you so be careful when you are in between someone who clearly believes and follow some agenda or points and resists to accept other points of view gently talk to them and then analyze their behavior and try to note some points that you can work on and with their tone you laterally address something that you want to tell to them so they would like it if the words are yours, but the sound is theirs.

2. Adjust to their environment

Adjusting to their environment will help you to understand the real cause behind their extremist or aggressive thoughts analyzing it and understanding will lead you to a technique of setting to them and then you can talk to them and help them to get out of certain false believes so you can write it afterward

3.Use friendly words

Use kind words or soft words in your sentences with meanings so that it doesn't hurt them but help them to understand right or wrong if you use harsh words, it will dis heart them, and they will never read or listen to you again so be polite!


I hope that you will understand the fact of how to grab the mindset of the spiritual and religious person and a technique to write about them if you find any flaws or want to give some suggestions to me on my article please do inform me on comments or contact me on Facebook mention link Thanks a lot!

© 2018 Annas israr


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