I Don't
I Don't.
I don't wonder if you miss me
because somehow I know you do.
Regardless of what you tell everybody else
I know what we had was true.
I don't have any regrets
because I am convinced
that every moment we spent
was heaven sent.
I don't wonder if you think of me
as much as I think of you
because there's no denying a connection
as strong as the one
between me and you.
I don't wonder if you dream of me
because I know you do.
In my dreams
you try desperately to get next to me.....
but I play coy with you in dreams too!
I don't wonder why your actions
never backed your words.
I don't wonder because I know
you really wish you could;
but you can't;
swallow your pride.
And that's why.....
I don't.