I Like To DO IT At Dusk
Many neighbors think I’m a pain in the ass
Because of the time of day I like to cut my grass
One hour before dark is ideal for me
It’s light enough so I can still see
The day is cooling off as the hot sun slowly sets
I’m not doing anything wrong, I have no regrets
I can’t work in the high heat, in the mid afternoon sun
I have always been this way, dusk is when my outside work gets done
So if you’re that upset about the choices I make
Simply turn your TV up for gosh sake
Close all your windows and both of your doors
Please be patient with me until I’m done with my chores
Maybe I should buy a quiet manual mower that you push
It would sure be a great workout for my legs and my toosh
Or better yet, you move to the country where no neighbors can be found
Then you can have your wish, you won’t be bothered by any sound
Maybe I should cut my grass in my bathing suit
Not sure you’d be upset then or just think it’s cute
I’m sorry I have disturbed you by mowing my lawn
Would you rather I DO IT at the break of dawn?
This is Sharyn's Slant . . .