Spinning Out Of Control - A Poem
Out Of Control
What Set My World Spinning
I wrote this poem after suffering from BPPV or Benign Paroxysmal Vertigo. For six weeks my world was spinning out of control and no one could tell me what was wrong or how I could stop it from happening. Finally, an ear, nose and throat doctor told me about BPPV and I was sent to a vestibular therapist to learn how to overcome this problem. I am still having some problems with this, but the therapy is helping.
Please Just Stop!
I just want the world to quit spinning
In these circles that never cease
Around and around my world goes
Slowing only just to give a tease
I just want the world to quit spinning
I want to know what will happen next
I don’t want to keep searching
I want to find only the best
I just want the world to quit spinning
I want to be in control
I want to know what is going wrong
This spinning is taking its toll
I just want the world to quit spinning
I want it to quietly go away
I don’t like when the world spins
I want the normal to stay
I just want the world to quit spinning….
What Set My World Spinning
I wrote this poem after suffering from BPPV or Benign Paroxysmal Vertigo. For six weeks my world was spinning out of control and no one could tell me what was wrong or how I could stop it from happening. Finally, an ear, nose and throat doctor told me about BPPV and I was sent to a vestibular therapist to learn how to overcome this problem. I am still having some problems with this, but the therapy is helping. You can read about BPPV in another hub I wrote: http://justateacher.hubpages.com/hub/Benign-Paroxysmal-Positional-Vertigo-What-Is-It-and-Is-This-Causing-My-Symptoms