I Was Born This Way - My Diagnosis Of a Horseshoe Kidney
Just Me
It's Just Me
©2012 LaDena Campbell
Things are a little scary right now
Although I know whatever will be will be
I was born with a birth defect
That’s coming back to haunt me
When I was a kid I knew I was different
Though no one could see it on the outside
I was born with a horseshoe kidney
Have lived with a lifelong pain in my side
It can be a simple thing
Can cause no problems ever
But if I am hit in just the right spot
My connecting kidneys can sever
If this happens I will need a new kidney
Or I could die right there on the spot
This doesn’t bother me one little bit
It just scares me a whole lot
I went to the doctor last week
To see why I was in so much pain
I found that I had a blockage
That was so much to blame
Sometimes it hurts to go to the bathroom
I have to sit and try and try
It almost makes me double over
It makes me just want to cry
I had a temporary stint put in
To see if it would fix me
Now I may have to have major surgery
Just so that I can go pee