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I couldn't help myself

Updated on December 26, 2011


This day without an end, with only moments of sleep
in between eternities of open eyes and minds
remaining ajar, despite attempts
to seal them and rest until it ends,
until we may awake to the scent of life,
the sights of glistening light
dancing over the tops of clouds
and surfaces of water bodies

Our love for one another was as jagged as the tips of frozen knives,
encasing our hearts with numbing cold upon every waking fight
and in that state of frostbitten passion, our fires never died
we were trapped within the clash of seasons in our minds

I decorate my residence with memories of your face
I saturate my essence with reminiscence of those days


It's left me
with only myself
by my side
two sides of a coin
one of them burned
one of them covered
in smudges of ash
representing cold
that entered that night
when the fire burned
so far out of control
and took her away
it was then that I knew
I was meant for a future
so very much darker


In valleys
in alleys
in shadows
at night
finding endings
of the third
or forth kind
of fear
you feel it
in sleeping
in nightmares
in dreaming


Monoxial ignition
carbon inhalation
blue flame claims
life and cold blood
burning every time
the key is turned
on the other side
of tonight, death lies
awaiting the passing


These thoughts come in Summer
and leave in the cold
like my ability to regulate
my temperature control
set on reckless behavior
set on self-seeking self
you've got me retreating
simply ecstatic
over developing events
as my system is crashing
and my hard drive is cleared
and electric currents run through
every wire and circuit


Hold the lines
until they're upon us
hold your fear deep inside
and let them have confidence
until the very last moment
before their blades pierce your heart
stand and deliver
the final blow to their pride

enough blood, for tonight
enough pain, just for now
let them recover, let them restore
their ranks till tomorrow
then we'll crush every hope
devour their wills
destroy every chance
they ever had to survive


What a wasted aspiration
to poison your achievement
and regret everything along the way
until your story of success
becomes a stifling failure
in your record book of losses
and is filed with the rest

© copyright Ben D.A 2011


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