I defeated my destiny
Destiny is a very strange and mysterious concept in our lives and most of the people believe that it is fixed and we can not change or shape it. It could be true or not, no one knows it with certainty. On the other hand some people do not believe in destiny and work hard to achieve their goals in their lives. Some of them succeed while others do not. So there is a mix of everything everywhere and this poem is the outcome of the thoughts of those people who do not believe in destiny but continue their hard work and efforts in shaping their destiny.
There are some people who work hard and at the same time have a very high degree of self confidence and they do not consider destiny or fate as an obstacle in their paths. But sometimes they also get shocks when they find that results were not commensurate to their hard work and efforts. Such setbacks create confusion and indecisiveness in the minds of people. That is the starting point from where many people start believing in luck or fate or destiny.
This poem is evolved on the above premises.
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”
― William Shakespeare
I defeated my destiny
You can't win with me,
The destiny whispered in my ears.
I retorted in same way,
Controlling all my fears.
I am much powerful,
She told in a devlish tone.
You can only try hard,
But result is in my zone.
I give you a chance my boy,
Pray me and respect me.
I would find a way out,
All would be good to thee.
I was not convinced,
With her assertiveness.
I left her for good and,
Did my work in righteousness.
I never saw her again,
Meedling in my matters.
I defeated my destiny,
All that what matters.
Some people do not bother and do not believe in the concept of destiny and do their efforts in life relentlessly to meet the objectives. They only consider the circumstances and situations in their lives which are supposed to be responsible for their successes or failures.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2020 Umesh Chandra Bhatt