I don't back down on my beliefs GRRRR
This hub was written when Pollyannalana and I did not agree with wrong and the breaking of God's word back in 2011. We were strongly persecuted we lost followers, but it brought us closer it did not stop us. Since then we have became good friends :)
I am brave and bold and whatever
I stand for shall be told.
The truth shall be unfolded, I am like
a roaring lion when it comes to my faith
I will never deviate or BACK DOWN on my beliefs.
I won't go where the current of the sea pulls, nor
where the winds want to carry me.
The gates of hell shall NEVER prevail.
Neither friends nor devils in hell will make
me turn away and the deny the truth
and word of GOD. I stand FIRM, BOLD
and SOLID as a rock. For I care not for
friends for this world will surely
come to an end. My greatest
friend is Christ Jesus. I believe His
word to the letter.
There is no buts ifs or maybes on the
WORD of GOD for he makes no mistakes.
He’s the same yesterday, today and forever more.
If everyone wants to go, go. You take this whole
world and its excuses for wrong doings. But I
will take Jesus. What shall it profit me to gain
this world for friends sake? And lose my soul
in the end?
Written by: Joanna Chandler
Copyright ©2011
© 2013 Joanna Chandler