I Have Made Mistakes - A Poem
Some with shame.
Some with regret.
Always for their own good.
Always at my expense.
Understanding if they could.
It seldom makes sense.
Results, teaching me well.
Results, only time will tell.
I have made mistakes.
Only myself to blame.
Only myself to shame.
Owning them responsibly.
Owning them appropriately.
Never my intent.
Knowing how much they meant.
I have made mistakes.
Teaching me well.
Only time will tell.
The more I know.
The harder to believe.
Ever finding the one.
Meant for me.
Accepting my mistakes.
Knowing their lessons.
Nobody to blame.
I own my shame.
Wanting too much.
Wanting too fast.
I have made mistakes.
Believing so deeply.
In their being that one.
Believing so deeply.
Now to have none.
Lessons learned.
Bridges burned.
Results created.
Results unknown.
With great shame.
Myself to blame.
I have made mistakes.