Idioms...sayings understood by native speakers part sixty eight
Carl entered the house. The servants were running around, looking quite busy.
Carl went into the study as he heard John on the phone.
"Fine, Martin. Gather the board members so that we can show a united front of sympathy for the victims. Call a press conference. I will have Smithe sent flowers and condolences to all the family members of the teams." He paused.
"We have to show our support, Chairman. It would be great P.R. for the company at this time, and you know, we need as much public support we can get."
Carl narrowed his eyes, as he saw his Uncle Chris with calculator in hand, as John hung up.
Chris stated, "Go with Jeremy's Florist Shop. They have a discount on spring flowers. We should get the group rate, coming to ten dollars per item and free delivery, since we have an account there."
Carl cleared his voice. "Did something happen?"
John narrowed his eyes. "I think that is an understatement. Your teams were in an accident on the interstate. We don't know who is alive or dead. We only know that they have been sent to Lansing Memorial, Dubois County or Charity. A press conference has been called. The family is to report to the company ASAP." He grabbed his keys, letting Chris take care of the flowers and turned to Carl as he stood by the door.
"You coming?"
"My team?"
"Yes. And, it is a good thing that you weren't with them."
Carl moved quickly to follow his Uncle.
Joe, on his way to the hospital, whispered to the paramedic.
"Charlie, the man beside me, how is he doing?"
"Um, he was sent to Charity."
"Where am I going?"
"Lansing Memorial."
"Tell Charity that Charlie is special... autistic, slow. Understand?"
He heard the man speak into his radio, and closed his eyes against the pain of his arm and leg. Joe thought to himself, we are all in God's hands now.
Rick was frantically calling the hospitals for information of his team. Four had been sent to Dubois County, three had been sent to Lansing Memorial, and three had been sent to Charity. Their names were being held until family had been notified. Mrs. Smith came in.
"Have you heard anything, Boss?"
"No... I can't split myself into three, what can I do?"
"The news people are here for a conference that has been called by the Chairman. H.R. is going thru the roof and the P.R. guys are wanting you to make a statement."
Rick looked at the woman.
"Jesus, I don't know anything."
"I know, boss."
He stood up and headed down the long corridor to the board meeting room that was now converted over for the news conference.
He saw the Chairman and the rest of the board sitting behind the podium to make a display of unity. Rick swallowed hard. He reached up and touche his tie clip with the boxing gloves and prayed tor the right words to say. As he centered himself in front of the podium, he touched the mike to make sure it was live and then took another deep breath.
"Hello, I am Rick Richardson, CEO of the Matthews Toy Company. It is true that today two of our research and development teams were involved in an accident on I 65 heading north to attend a project development meeting. All we know is that the teams were sent to the three hospitals in the tri county area, and, at this moment in time, they are alive. We will keep them in our prayers and have already sent out messages to the families involved. I beg your patience and ask that you give these families time to find out about their loved ones." He paused knowing that Lynn and Charile were one of those hospitals. "The company is in shock at this point in time and we just ask that you give us some more time to find out about our people. Thankyou."
Dr. Clark took one look at the slender brunnette with blood oozing down her face. She remained unconscious with a Glascow Score of six, he noted the C-collar and told the team to prepare an LMA, until he could get clearance from CT scan on that C-collar he had no desire to remove it As they got ready, Dr. Clark finished a qucik exam, her belly was distended and tight. Her pressure was low... and her heart rate... Jesus. She was bleeding out.
"We are heading to the OR. Get ten units uncrossmatched ready."
"But what about her head?" asked one of the nurses.
"The Neurosurgeon hasn't made it in yet. If she dies from a lacerated spleen or liver, I don't think we will need to worry about her head. Right?" As he started to move the cart... he remembered this girl, she had been with Carl Matthews... and was that girl's Jenny's friend.
"Send the xrays with her."
Charlie was for all intents and purposes, in a coma.
The doctors marveled at how all the tests had come back negative. All they knew was this autisitc man appeared to be sleeping. Nothing else seemed to be wrong with him. He lay in an ICU bed at Charity. One of the nurses saw a Teddy Bear sitting on a table nearby and placed it into the young man's arms.
Carl came up to Rick after the conference.
"Have you heard anything about Lynn? Did Charlie go with them?"
"They both left with the team this morning, no one has contacted us about who went where. I am going to Charity first and check on the victims, then Lansing, then Dubois."
"I will go with you, okay?"
"Carl, what about Jenny and your mom? How are they doing?" Rick asked as he climbed into his sedan.
"Jenny is gone. Mom, she is holding her own. Last night she seemed really down, but today, she seems better."
"I am sorry, about Jenny. I tried to protect her as best I could."
"No, it was me being too naive to think that we could be together. She is safe now. That is all that matters."
"Yeah, but it doesn't make you hurt any less."
Carl sighed, "Look, cuz. I am a big boy. Let's just find the family okay?"
"Yeah, My sis-in-law and my nephew... Okay?"
Rick nodded, driving quickly to Charity. The place was crowded with TV cameras and suts. He walked up to a man holding a clip board with hosptal blues on.
"Is that the list of injured?"
"Are you family?"
"I am from the Matthews Toy Company." He handed the man a card.
"Ah, I see. Here are the list of names."
Rick with Carl breathing over the back of his neck looked at the list.
Charlie was here and so was Josh... he looked at the status. Charlie was guarded and Josh was stable. Then the DOA list was there at the bottom. Rick sighed. One of the drivers of the vans had been killed, he did not recognize the other names.
They handed the board back to the man and asked where they could go see the two that were on the list. The man pointed and the two ran quickly into the hospital entrance to the information desk.
Dr. Clark worked feverishly. He had removed the damage spleen and started to attack the liver.
"Dr. Clark, her pressure is down to 70." The anesthesiologist grabbed another bag of O neg to hang.
"Just keep her going a little longer. I have got ths."
Studdenly, the alarms of the heart monitor started going off.
"Please." Dr. Clark muttered under his breath,
to be continued.