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Importance and Necessity of Self Education Through Literature in our Life

Updated on September 10, 2020
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An author and a writer with a different approach to life. Covid 19 can surely check our patience but we will never give up.

Knowledge increases with self-study. The person who read books establishes an unbreakable relationship with the highest knowledge. Mode of thinking, understanding, detailed information, study, contemplation, and experience of others can make each one of us cultured. Man himself has descended on the ground with many powers. Generally, by birth, we are all the same, the difference is only in our development. Our development is possible only by self-education, proper means of doing self-education are not presented in school and colleges. By the means of self-education from family and businesses, many people have become great prophets and great scholarly leaders. By knowledge, man rises higher than a trivial animal into a limitless powerhouse. The pleasure of life depends to a large extent on this force.

Intellectual Diet is Necessary

The study of true literature is necessary for life flourishing in the same way that the food is necessary for survival and sustenance of the body. Human beings nourish the body only by obtaining their natural food, but man is an intellectual being, so he needs the nourishment of the body as well as intelligence. Intellectual diet is also an essential requirement for protecting its existence and for the development of the personality. Most people establish the need to maintain contact with literature, by saying that reading books is the work of the students or those who aim to become scholars. Thinking this is like destroying the basis of your development. Necessary things can be learned by reading in schools and important information can be obtained, but after leaving the school and the college, breaking ties with books is as same as to stop eating food when you are young and after eating and drinking in childhood. Childhood age is the age of flood, in this age, the organ of the body grows and gets strengthened. So nutritious diet should be taken in childhood. As the flood of the body stops at an age, but the nutrition of the body is still necessary and for that, one has to eat and exercise. It is also necessary to keep a regular order of waking up and sleep time. Schooling can be said to be an early and nutritious diet in childhood. It does even after completing the education, it is necessary to constantly erase the mind of the brain from the knowledge of literature from books.

Self-study is Necessary even After Schooling

After finishing school education, if contact is lost with the books, then the education we comprehended is also forgotten, then there is no question of getting new knowledge. Anywhere and at any time it can be seen that if after passing the class and attaining the degree, if the student lawyer or doctor discontinues his / her own education, then he/she cannot succeed in future. Writers and journalists who turn the world's ideology do self-study several hours every day. Because in this world, the birthplace of knowledge, new things, new ideas, new facts, new logic and genres continue to be born in this world. People, who maintain regular contact with literature from books know what is happening in the world? They know which old beliefs are changing, what level of the solution is practical in today's circumstances, what new substitutions are coming in the world. They also know that what is their place and duty in these changing circumstances, it is also possible to play the role of a conscious citizen only, if you keep knowledge of the changes and movements around you.

Literature is A Developed Brain

Literature is a developed brain in itself. Good books can be called the graph of the brain of great thinkers and human beings. Good books keep the life of a great soul because the idea of their life is embedded in it, people die, but their soul resides in the texts, hence the texts are also be called as living great men. Good books are good ideas, good thoughts, pious feelings, grand fantasies, wherever they are, they create the atmosphere of heaven. And in the absence of good books, a person is deprived of that amount of knowledge, and as a result, life becomes a soul in mental existence. That is why cisco has said that "a bookless room is like a soulless body, books are required to accompany life to progress towards development." Because through good texts, life gets the guiding light source. Virtually, all the human beings who are drowning in the scorching ocean of the world, the books prove to be as helpful just like a lighthouse-like a which shows the path to ship on the sea.

Books Are Man's Best Friend

Mahatma Gandhi has said that "I do not miss the lack of friends when I have good books because the more I study, the more I like books as my useful friends." The knowledge of man is filled with the knowledge of the world, with diversities and are filled with so many thoughts that every moment is a wave of new ideas which is generated. The result of these diversities is that many struggles have to take place in life, both inside and outside. In the war of thoughts, books prove to be an effective weapon for humans. A person's knowledge may be limited and one-sided, but the study of good texts can solve their own problems and situations. Particularly in the war of thought process, books play a vital role.

The study of good texts can give impetus to the thoughts of human beings. Man forgets the invisible world body and many businesses here at that time. This enjoyment of entering and dwelling in the world of thought is similar to the bliss of the meditation state of a people. In this state, a person rises from the visible world and wanders into the invisible world and receives a sense of many thoughts there.

Studying books with a focused mind is such a practice that sufficient development can be achieved in our life. Every thoughtful and knowledgeable person should collect good books like other materialistic things in life. To buy good books on various subjects which throw light on various parts of life, the necessary amount should be kept according to a budget facility.

Literature is An Integral Part of Life

It should also be noted that the book should not be bought only to decorate a room or to hold an exhibition, but their regular study should also be included in the sequence of life. Literature has an important place in life and inevitably affects the life of the individual and society. Its study should be made an integral part of the routine like other regular programs. It is also worth noting that due consideration and caution should be exercised in the selection of books because thought is a force. The result of good thoughts results in the awakening of the thought power that is from literature. Literature is the power that changes the life course of a person and also changes the outline of the society.

Only through good literature, we can teach children moral behaviour. If we develop the habit of studying good books, then by becoming the best citizens of the country they will become better partners in the nation-building process.


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