Inspiration Comes in Many Forms
Always when you aren't looking!
It's surprising just where you can get inspiration from. For days, weeks even, I can go without writing anything of use or writing anything that all. Then, something will strike me as inspirational and off I'll go.
I make it sound so simple don't I? Unfortunately, it's not. Sometimes, as you'd all know, you have a flash of inspiration at simply the wrong time - nowhere to write anything down, nowhere to store that little flash other than in your head, and hope it doesn't get lost in all the other stuff you have to carry around in your head that day. Then you sit down to get started on that little flash and it's run away, only to arrive in the middle of the night.
Other times, you have a flash, and wah-lah - you're in the right space to get started then and there. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it was always like this? At one point, it was like this. The picture of the boy and the cityscape has triggered an entire novel for me - currently at 50,800 words so not finished yet, but getting there. All from the one picture, which actually describes both the beginning and the end, but in different ways. I'm fortunate to have stumbled upon that picture at the right time - it's even the background to my iPhone so I've got it with me all the time - to continue to inspire me. However, unfortunately, right now, it's nothing like this for me!.
Most of the time, my muse is a little shy, or at least a little slow at getting to the point. Currently, I'm aware that I've been inspired by something, but not quite sure as to what exactly the inspiration is going to develop into. It's a weird feeling I get, that I need to write, but I'm not sure why, or what. Certain songs will trigger it, and I get into an annoying habit of listening to the same song over and over - Thank Your Favorite Deity for headphones or my wife would be mental. Currently the song is "Plans" by Birds of Tokyo. Good song, and as yet, I'm not sick of it. I'm trying to figure out if it's the rythmn or the words.
Where do you get your inspiration from? Does it take a similar form each time? Having different forms, for me, makes for different styles. So, this song may not work for the story inspired by the picture, and may be making me write something else. Sometime it will be revealled. How long does your inspiration take to make itself known?
A good cure for Writer's Block, though, is finding another way to stir inspiration. Go for a walk, take in your surroundings, listen to some different music, browse some other art, talk to different people. I've written a hub on this topic as well.
Timing sometimes works. I usually get inspired at 10pm, which for my wife who likes an early night is a right pain in the tush. Or at work, which REALLY doesn't help me. But hey, we can't help when we are inspired by something.
My goal is to figure out what this song has to do with anything, and start working on it. Continue with my picture inspired story to completion, and hey, maybe someone will like it.
But what I really want to know is:
What has inspired you lately?
Writing Hubs
- Writer's Block - How to Deal with it
Aside from a difficult to write scene, one of the worst things that can happen to a writer is the dreaded - Writing a Difficult Scene
If you are struggling with a scene in a story you are currently writing - come join us! Some tips and some commisseration!