I've thrown away the key to my Heart
My heart was once broken and the first
cut always seems to be the deepest. I’ve
promised myself I won’t let it happen again.
I’ve thrown away the key to my heart.
because that love doesn’t have any more
meaning to me. I think I’ve thrown it
somewhere beneath the deep blue sea
but if you find it please bring it back to
To like is okay but loving you is going
a bit too far. I need not love you until you
truly love me. For I once had and open heart
which loved so unconditionally, but that
love has faded because you never loved me
and I am happy it did the skies were gray.
I thought it would have stayed that way, now they
are blue & I am overwhelmed that you walked away.
I wonder why you didn’t go away a bit sooner?
The joys I feel now of being set free is still so real to me.
I don’t believe in falling in love again. I
simply have no time for that love , sometimes
I wish this feeling could end. Perhaps someday
I will fully mend and be able to love again as
for now love still sounds very silly to me. Do
humans really love or care again ? Would I ever
feel butterflies or love again? I think only
time will tell.................... as for now its a no no.
Written by: Joanna Chandler
Copyright © 2012