Jesus Loves You By Bernard Levine
You are a child of God
Surround yourself with things that make you happy
Seek out people who uplift and encourage you
Live in harmony with the gifts of nature
Find 3 things to thank God for each day.
Give the world kindness and watch miracles begin
Deliver love and watch hearts glow
Change someone’s life with the power of prayer
Celebrate God’s goodness with an adoring heart
Sing joyfully to the God who loves you
Follow your heart and be true to yourself
Let your life become a beautiful gift to God
Passionately praise Jesus.
© Bernard Levine
God gives you His angels to protect you
God gives you His love to please you
God gives you His Spirit to help you
God gives you His Word to guide you
God gives you His Son to save you
God gives you His miracle of life
God's love is so amazing!
(C) Bernard Levine