Lessons Learned During the Process of a 30-Day Journaling Challenge
Stay Present
What I learned about myself through the journaling challenge process is that it is extremely beneficial for me to stay present and write through the issues and insights that come forth on a daily basis; and in doing so consistently and authentically, I heal, grow and transform. I learned to look forward to going “there” in the moment or as soon as the opportune moment arises for me to be still, explore my feelings and transparently write them out unapologetically.
Spiritual Insights
I learned that I was not a good receiver, but I also grew to release the resistance to my good during this process. I learned that I am empowered and liberated by telling my truth out loud on paper. I learned that I can achieve my goals when I set an intention and add actions that are in alignment with my desire and Spirit. I learned that I am always supported by Spirit with everything I need to get the job done in excellence; and that I have God’s sufficient grace to push through to completion, especially when I don’t feel like it or look to extend the process.
I also learned that what I desire is good enough and big enough, and that I deserve to have what I desire, regardless of what anyone thinks or feels. I learned that I really am an amazing woman of God, anointed to do great things and gifted to bless multitudes within my enlarging territory.
Show Self-Love
Another lesson I learned is that it's imperative for me to support and show love to myself as passionately as I do for others in order to manifest the desires of my heart. I learned that I must make better, self-honoring choices in order to be honored and to serve efficiently; and if I make a poor choice, I learned to renegotiate immediately from a position of boldness and power.
Overall, I learned how to be present with whatever feelings Spirit brings forth and write through them; and know God better and love myself more through developing a more intimate relationship and understanding of Him and me.
Be blessed,
Jo Anne Meekins
Inspired 4 U Publications
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2012 Jo Anne Meekins