Just Smart Enough to Be Dangerous
Those not so easily swayed
Just smart enough to be dangerous
At least that’s what I hear them say
When they do not think I am listening
They say I am not a team player
That I do not play well with others
I am an inconvenience
I have not adopted their robotic ways
Should be able to read minds
Always say the things they want to hear
Should not upset an apple cart
Or question what I am told
Give my creativity away
Never take credit
Even when credit is due
Just smart enough to be an out
When everyone else is in
Not sure when it all started
Or even how it will end
Just know that
An identity I once had
No longer means anything
Has been lost in a file
Assigned a number
Betrayed and Belittled
A Myth
A name no longer remembered
Just smart enough to be safe
But never for too long
For I am just smart enough to be dangerous
Notes I have saved
Moments recorded
Exposing the wrongs
Imposed by others
Whose hearts have been misplaced
Somewhere along roads
That maybe they can’t face
So they destroy others
Who get in their way
Those who are just smart enough to be dangerous
Those not so easily swayed