My Love for You!
I will write a poem
For no one but you.
I promise to love you
Now and unto the very end
I will care for you
Make sure you never know hurt
I will always be by you
Will catch you each time you fall
Should you cry
I will wipe away your tears
Hug and comfort you when you're sad
Hold, kiss and keep you warm when it rains
Will smile at every words that comes from you
And laugh at every joke you give
I will shine so bright in the night
I will be the moon you've always wish to hold
For every fight we will ever have
I accept that the fault is mine
Even if you are wrong
Want you to know you're the reason that am me
I will write you a song only we will known
It will be a symbol of our love
We will sing our songs when we apart
It will keep us close no matter where we go
Our love will always be first
I love you.