The Recorder ~ Sept. 25, 1970
Lengthening shadows
The escape of
Yet another day.
The mournful bawl of a cow
Somewhere, somehow,
Impatiently punctuates
The stillness.
A dog barks nervously
At shadows, at some minor vague irritant
While the International DateLine
Separates one side of my room
From the other
With this dry, sticky gloom
While another reminder, -
A fragile breeze, -
Stirs leaves and trees
And me.
Distant woods sounds reverberate
With haunting
Hollow echos, -
Signaling this early Autumn dusk.
I've no regrets -
Except perhaps to see
That it's a frequent scene
And too often tests my trust.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Exploring the moon's surface
Is no more overwhelming
Than a timid step into
The bittersweet, agonizing
Desolation Of the heart,
Mining for freedom.
The moon may be
Less lonely ~
Even in its craters.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Life Fantasy
I am anywhere, everywhere.
I am here, I am there.
Life knows no bounds,
No time, no place.
There is no how,
There is no why.
There is no now.
There is no space.
There is only this~
Below, above,
To learn to be,
To give and live, ~ to love.-
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Nov. 1971
I struggle only
Against this fear,-
The struggle itself.
I struggle to escape it;
To escape the need to know
It all -
Right now.
Be still, my soul,
And you will know.
You will
_____© Nellieanna H. Hay
Fall, 1971
What is music
But the symbolization
Of one's yearning
For whole being,
A little closer
To the source;
A little further
From the symbol?
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Fall, 1971
Deep rhythms
Of the soul
Erupt to shake
My torpor.
I know that
Nothing can remain
The same.
All must move
With life's
Even this.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Fall, 1971