I'm Lost! (LOST)
Hey ya'll! What's up? So here is one of my other poems that I wrote when I was like really little. Mom helped me a bit. LOL! Anyways, ya'll have a good day, I just hope you all like it!
I am lost when I cry.
I am lost when I smile.
I am lost in the dark.
I am lost when it's bright.
I am lost at night,
When I close my eyes.
I am lost in the sunshine.
I am lost in the rain.
I am lost when there's nothing left to gain.
I am lost when I stand alone.
I am lost when I can't find my way home.
I am lost in melodies,
Songs of broken dreams.
I am lost with the wind,
That brushes my face.
I am lost in memories,
Of those good old days.
I am lost when I take a glace at the stars.
I am lost when I run away far.
I am lost at the sight of sunset.
I am lost when the paths don't let.
I am lost when the doors don't open.
I am lost with words unspoken.
I am lost when I come across,
Experiences that cause me loss.
I am lost when I feel pain.
I am lost, it makes me insane.
I am lost when there's burden,
To be carried upon my shoulders.
I am lost when I think of the future,
And wonder where I'd end up when I am older.
I am lost for a while,
Or lost when there's no time left.
I am lost when I can't hear anything.
I am lost when I lose a bet.
I am lost where I see delicios food,
All the food that makes me drool.
I am lost when I hear advice.
I am lost when people aren't nice.
I am lost in depression.
I am lost in the clouds.
I am lost when I laugh out loud.
I am lost when I am not found.
I am lost here.
I am lost there.
I am lost everywhere.
I am always lost.
But never with GOD!