Laundry Hell
oh how could work feel like hell?
between the poop and the pee, oh the smell!
I folded the bleached white linen
till my eyes hurt and my mind was stricken
all my thoughts were drowned out
by the washers and dryers turning about
can't there be any peace and quiet
in this place of laundry riot?
tumble tumble around they go
and where they stop, I know
into my hands and lap
never stopping and not even a gap
in between these loads of doom
I just want to run away from this little room!
but, I was stuck here by mistake
by an injury I didn't help create
so I had to sit on this stiff little chair
doing my work, well, as much as I could bear
So I wrote you this silly little poem by hand
because it was freezing, and it was all I could stand
little miss irritated muffet
sat on her uncomfortable tuffet
folding her stupid laundry, okay?
and here came the little evil spider
setting more clothes beside her
scaring little miss panicked muffet away!
it was finally the end of the night
and I could see a glimpse of the morning light
thank god I have a few days off to rest
because getting away from this place, is always best!