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Letting Go Of the Bars

Updated on November 13, 2022
The Stages Of ME profile image

Kathy was a rehabilitation therapist. After receiving a life-changing diagnosis, she felt a spiritual call to share life's journey in Hubs.

The Jungle Gym

The Bars of Life Are Set, It's How We Go Through Them That Matters
The Bars of Life Are Set, It's How We Go Through Them That Matters | Source

Let Go Of Me ~ Part I

I am faithful

In my heart

The mind plays tricks

I do not part

Take your aim

Oh, a snake that sees,

I am covered

I am free

Funny how

In my collapse

You think you hit me

As you laugh

Silly snake,

How blind you are

You have only

Seen my scar

I am covered

Sheltered from

Deceptive weapons

Have not won

Hold on Tight

Holding tight He will Hold You
Holding tight He will Hold You | Source

I am Stronger ~ Part II

I am stronger

Than I know

I may stumble

But I go

To the one

Refused in thee

When I break

He carries me

He lifts me up

In a warm embrace

Crashing waves

He keeps me safe

As you splash

Your spray at me

I am covered

You will flee!

So you think

My broken spots

Are unattended

For your rot

Oh, silly snake

How lost you are

He will take

Me from you far

I may wither

I may fall

Do not slither

In my hall

For He dwells there

In my heart

Where He lives

I will not part

I am covered

I am free

No matter what

You throw at me

I may stumble

As I crawl

He lifts me higher

Keeps me tall

So go ahead

And try to crash

Your wimpy waves

Are just a splash

He is greater

Never, far,

He’s my defender

My sandbar

Letting Go

Let Go be free ~ He holds us up, even when we dangle there is JOY in Him!                                                                                  This Poem is about all of us ~ the beautiful girl is my daughter ~ just one of my many blessing
Let Go be free ~ He holds us up, even when we dangle there is JOY in Him! This Poem is about all of us ~ the beautiful girl is my daughter ~ just one of my many blessing

Letting go and Be Free ~ Part III

So as you slither,

All about

Seeking place

And freaking out

As His child

In the wake

See you as

The weakest fake

By your venom,

Feeling proud

Oh, silly snake

He is my shroud

For when He took

The cross, for me

He lay there still

For days of three

Then, as He promised,

In the flesh

Returning flawless

I am blessed

And by That cross

I trust in Him

There is no price

I pay for sin

As by my faith,

In Him, I know

That I am armored

with His glow

And by the bars

This jungle sets

His hand will guide

I won't forget

I hold on tight

In my belief

Then trust the falls

Allowed in grief

Shine me bright

For all to see

Oh, silly snake

Let go; I’m free!

I am Set Free by All Sons and Daughters

Are you ready?

Are you ready to let go and let Him hold you up even if you dangle a bit?

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He Gives us His Authority

Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among the snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you. Luke 10:19.

Praise God who gives us authority over the negative power of the enemy. To be separated is to be without His peace and thus we draw nearer and ever closer to our Jesus.

© 2014 Kathy Henderson


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