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Library Utility

Updated on September 9, 2020

Library Utility

Library Utility:

The book, the school and the school, these three things are of great importance in the life of nations. The doors of all kinds of development open them with keys. These three are the main sources of knowledge and education. Knowledge is light. Knowledge is the jewel of humanity. Knowledge alone distinguishes between right and wrong. All the successes and virtues of religion and the world depend on this knowledge. Only with knowledge can the world be improved and only with knowledge can the happiness of the Hereafter be achieved. Knowledge is the source of progress, the key to success and the first step towards world government and leadership. If we have knowledge then we have everything and if we do not have knowledge then understand nothing. In today's world full of differences, differences are everywhere. There are differences in every home, every individual and every society. There is no area of ​​life where there is no disagreement. But there are two things that have no difference in reality and virtue, and they are:

(1) Death

(2) Knowledge

Even an atheist and ignorant person believe in the importance of death and knowledge. Friendship with books, love of knowledge and intellectual and practical endeavor to establish a library by inhabiting it is a symbol of living nations. Muslims have ruled over many continents of the world, including India and Pakistan, for centuries and have waved the flag of their power, largely due to the strong grip of Muslims in the field of knowledge and education.

As long as Muslims remained adorned with the ornaments of knowledge, made books their friend, maintained their intellectual and spiritual relationship with the school and the school, remained successful in every field of life and as they became alienated from education and study, the doors of progress were closed on this. The religion of Islam has placed great emphasis on the acquisition of knowledge by its followers. Some scholars have even said that: Keep on acquiring knowledge from the mother's arms till you go to the grave. Knowledge is the source of religious and worldly success.

Therefore, regardless of age, we should strive to acquire knowledge till childhood, youth and old age. Education and libraries are inseparable. Where education is organized, there must be a good library and a library of books on various sciences and arts.

No educational institution can be without a library. Curriculum needs in educational institutions are not met by textbooks alone. Additional books are also required for other scientific and research needs. For economic and educational social development, it is important that the people living in the society are aware of the prevailing sciences and the requirements of the times. The height of knowledge of the people, education should be discussed everywhere. Educational institutions have libraries and libraries.

The biggest source of knowledge is our madrassas, schools, colleges and universities. These schools are generally inaccessible to the public. Therefore, libraries should be set up in different parts of the country through welfare organizations. The advancement of knowledge is not possible only through educational institutions. The library is a strong source of educational advancement and knowledge. Today, more attention needs to be paid to the establishment and sustainability of the library. Because the way to make education universal comes from educational institutions, it is found in libraries and it is only through their mutual cooperation that the light of knowledge spreads in the country and society.

Libraries are a great source of knowledge and information. Knowledge addicts get all kinds of knowledge here without any restrictions and hindrances and everyone can use it as easily as possible. No developed nation in the world can live without a library. The importance and usefulness of the library cannot be denied. The importance of the library is multiplied, especially in the academic life. Without it, the educational journey cannot be taken away from the destination. "Art of Education and Training" is an important and useful book which is included in the curriculum of excellence of Jamia Ashrafia Mubarakpur. My humble opinion is that parents, teachers and educators should read this book over and over again or at least once in depth.

See this paragraph of the book regarding the importance and necessity of the library and the availability of books and magazines on various sciences and arts in the library:

“Textbooks, no matter how standard and useful they may be, expand children's knowledge, increase vocabulary, read ability, read books taste, height of ideas, dedication to ideals, power of expression, understanding the thoughts and ideas of others. It is necessary to read more suitable books and newspapers and magazines etc. for the proper use of one's ability and leisure time”.

Teachers themselves also need books and magazines to enhance their teaching ability, keep their information up to date, and seek help in interpretation and citations. Obviously, every madrassa should have its own "library" to meet the needs of students and teachers.

Teachers in the library and all ages there should be a collection of useful and necessary books for children of taste and ability, in which new books are added year by year according to one's ability. Along with the library, it is important to have a "study center" with good newspapers and magazines for the interest of children and adults. If resources are limited, public support can be sought for the supply of books and magazines.

These items can be borrowed for the madrassa library from those who ask for newspapers and magazines or buy books, or those items which are usually useless after reading and they throw them away. The madrassa can get permanently. In some homes, old books are stocked with termites or children's books are scattered around, so you can get them for free or at low prices for the madrassa library. Just as power is supplied everywhere from the power plant and the power house, so the library is the "power house of knowledge", providing the light of knowledge to the society and the rays of various sciences and arts in the minds of the people are transmitted.

The history of the evolution of human civilization cannot be complete without the mention of books and libraries. Books, schools and libraries are valuable assets of our academic life. The first revelation that was revealed to the teacher of the universe, Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH) is the word "Iqra", which proves that education is of great importance and virtue in Islam. Schools and madrassas are needed to read books and schools and madrassas are considered incomplete and incomplete without a library.

When we look at the scholarly history of Muslims and the cultural achievements of Muslim rulers, we see "libraries" everywhere. See this excerpt as an argument:

“Man’s relationship with books and libraries is very old”.

See this paragraph from the book "Eastern Libraries":

“A library is an institution that preserves human thoughts, experiences and observations in the form of books so that the thoughts of one person can be used not only by thousands of his descendants but also by future generations”.

The existence of libraries, i.e. the arrangement of keeping books in a special place in such a way that they are safe and can be obtained without any difficulty when needed, is found in one form or another from the earliest times. Thus, libraries were established in India, Iran, Greece, etc., even before the revelation of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

Maulana Abdul Salam Nadvi writes:

“In India, although these Islamic conquests began in the first century AH, the real foundation of the Islamic government was laid by Sultan Mahmud, a religious and knowledge-loving king. When he returned to Ghazni after conquering Qanooj, he built a magnificent mosque with a madrassa next to it and a library in that madrassa.”

Although Akbar was a mediocre educated man, he was in no way inferior to his predecessors in his intellectual taste. He also established the Department of Translation, through which Sanskrit books were translated into Persian and a series of permanent authorships began, in which books on every art other than history were written. Akbar himself was very keen on books. Whenever he found a new book, he would ask for it from the librarian and in one night he would mark it wherever he heard.

The next day I would start from the same place, until the book was finished. He had a large library inherited from his elders. In addition, during the conquests of Gujarat, Jaunpur, Bihar, Kashmir, Bengal and Deccan, he entered into his library a large number of books which became available to him from the libraries here. Thus Akbar's library became a treasure trove of rare and rare books. Libraries were also established during the reign of various Muslim rulers before the Mughal rule. The famous ulema, shaykhs and sultans of that time spent a considerable amount of money to build libraries and give people the opportunity to study. There was a large library in the monastery of the famous elder of Delhi, Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Badawi. His monastery was in Ghiaspur, a neighborhood in Delhi (ancient). His library was dedicated to everyone and anyone with knowledge could benefit from it. It is a pity that as much as knowledge and study and the library are important in academic life, we are neglecting these things today.

Our education system is stagnant. Our intellectual taste is getting weaker day by day. We have become accustomed to wasting time on blood and games and wasteful activities instead of studying. Our precious time is being wasted on mobile and internet. Instead of adorning their children with the ornaments of education, parents are putting them to work and labor and putting their children on the path of earning money ahead of time and forgetting the fact that after acquiring knowledge, wealth it automatically runs after man. The decline of education has robbed us of our taste in reading and the importance of the library. Today, when our interest in teaching and learning is diminishing day by day, who cares about the library?

Today we are neither setting up new libraries nor arranging for the preservation of old libraries. The result is that many important and ancient libraries are being destroyed and our precious intellectual capital is being sacrificed to insects and termites. Establishment and consolidation of libraries is essential for academic progress. Because these libraries are the main source of research and information on various sciences and arts. There is an English saying which means:

“If you get sick of doubt and delusion, go to the library to get the wealth of faith.”

There are numerous organizations and movements within the Muslim community for the public welfare that are working in their respective fields for different purposes. But it is very unfortunate that we do not see any welfare organization that specializes in establishing libraries for the promotion of education in Muslim society or reviving ancient libraries. We need to change our attitude. Those who are responsible for all the educational institutions today should establish a library in their institutions containing various sciences and arts and rare books and magazines. One of the many reasons for our educational backwardness is that we have stopped populating libraries and have lost interest in them. Responsible gentlemen of the nation should include the establishment of libraries in their development projects (where needed) in the field of social welfare and the ancient libraries that are being sacrificed to termites today manage security.


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