Life: Then and Now....
Change is the only thing that is constant in this world. It is always the simple things that change our lives. When I was thinking about these simple things, I realized that small things do make a big difference. Just wanted to share the difference that has happened in our lives from then to now, in not so poetic but in a rustic tone.
Early in the morning, usually we use to open the windows to say hello to the world.
But now, we open the (MS)Windows and it says a hello.
The coffeebeans used to enlighten our day.
But now, there is no enlightenment in our day without Javabeans.
Your morning walk used to take you more close to nature and helped you find yourself.
But now, you search for your life in Google and end up learning about other stuff and forget that you are losing what you were searching.
Wife was considered everything!!!
But now, Wi-fi is everything!!
You used to hate when somebody else (especially wife) try to prompt when you try to say something.
But now, you wish Google to prompt when you type something.
“That’s my phone” gave a feel-good attitude few years back.
But now, “That’s my iPhone” makes you feel good.
Your status gets updated when you face a good book.
But now, your status is updated only when you are in Facebook.
You used treat your friends.
But now you just tweet them.
We used to share our thoughts with ink.
But now, we just share a link.
Life was measured by the number of people who like us.
But now, life is measured on the number of Likes (Facebook) we click.
Friends, family and relations used to be linked in a good relationship.
But now, we don’t know how good is our relationship but we are LinkedIn.
Photos were only for occasions. They were few and so we were able to find the best.
Occasions are created to take photos (to post it in Facebook). They are now in plenty but still could not find the best.
We used to move our eyes on to the picture tube after spending quality time with the family.
But now our eyes never come out of Youtube, then where is the time for family?
Our practice was to fast once in a month to maintain our body.
But now, our food is also fast and we also fast to maintain our body (size zero).
An apple a day keeps the doctor away was the old saying.
An Apple (iPod, iPad, iPhone) every day, every time keeps the doctor beside you has to be the new saying.
You were busy identifying the clogged spot in your house.
But now, before you remove the clog in your house, tips to remove the clog spot goes into your blogspot. (Remembered the clogs to coins contest in Hubpages)
In those days, we used to be a live wire.
But now, we live with wire(less).
What gives pain is not the development in technology that has happened with the human touch;
But what gives the pain is the difference the technology has brought in our lives without that human touch.
Life can either be accepted or changed. If it is not accepted, it must be changed. If it cannot be changed, then it must be accepted. Lets accept the change in our technology but not in our biology. But still, keep changing because life has to go on!!