Life: Why is it so hard?
Why is life so hard?
Why can't life be easy?
Is there a reason things are so hard?
Are we being tested for our endurance?
Or is life just a daily routine?
Life can be beautiful
Life can be beautiful,
but often it can be sad.
We struggle with sickness,
stress and turmoil.
Life is rough
What do you do when things go wrong?
Do you bury yourself in depression?
Do you get angry and scream?
Do you just give up?
Sadness surrounds you.
What if everything falls apart.
Your family is unhappy.
Your bills are overdue.
You and loved ones are sick?
Where is the beauty of life?
How can you be strong?
When everyone is hurting.
How do you see the beauty?
When life is at it's worst.
Where is my strength?
Have I lost the ability to enjoy life?
Have the hardships destroyed my strength?
Am I getting older and can't handle stress?
What is the real meaning of life?
What would you do?
How do you handle situations
you cannot control?
What do you do when
your life falls apart?
What is your answer?
What is the answer?
Do you have a clue?
Or do you just give up hope,
and accept Life as it is?
Author's Note
I wrote this as I go through a very difficult time in my life. When you read this hub, I would like you to think of your life, what was, what is and what is yet to come. Are you happy? Is this a difficult time for your? How did you survive the hardships life has thrown at you? Did you fall into depression, act as though nothing matters any more? Or did you find inner strength to continue to face the sadness, stress and elements that make life difficult for you? As a writer and as all writers, we have emotions and feelings that are written in our words. So from one author to another, if you comment on this hub please let me know how you have handled the difficult times in your life.
Thank you