Light of Day - a Poem
Light Of Day
When serious, thoughtful mood comes leaning on your minds own frame
of troubles, ill-health, hard times, that kept you pinned to the board of despair
hopes sprung up when light streamed into the dark days' mental hold
freedoms upward waving arms saying; "it's time to lose your gloom
in the abyss of non-existence, where it belongs
come out from behind the veil!"
The storms of life came crashing like waves on rocks
swept you away for a time, but you did not drown
a lifeline from Heaven came down, to ease all burdens
still here on earth to live with its daily round
of chores and steps to climb
your baggage left behind at last
some wholesome thoughts can now flow freely
like sky-birds on the wing
like acrobatic aeroplanes doing loops and tricks
in endless aether
thoughts at least are free
more so when put down with pen on paper
Rather be in a 'brown study' for a time
than in a place of restless boredom or irksome worry
till other activities arise to fill your time and space
with a fulfilling embrace
As children we played in the garden
in the last light of day
before supper and all that followed
now too, your time is too precious to waste
"What happened to him?" some asked
but you said nothing
knowing that ill-health, a broken mind
stole away the years when
you should have moved onwards
Now the Light Of Day comes beckoning
you seek Gods face
striving with resolve
your mind no longer closed
the body somewhat better
you seek to let life's abundance unfold
before your eyes
go with it
and sing new songs
in The Light of Day.
Psalm 96
" 'Oh, sing to the Lord a new song!
Sing to the Lord, all the earth.
Sing to the Lord, bless His name;
Proclaim the good news of His
salvation from day to day.' (New King James Version, Psalm 96, v. 1 - 2)"
Flowers Seeking Light
Calm Waters
Have You Experienced Some Really Tough Times in Life?
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2013 David Edward Lynch