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Great Chapter Books About Horses for Kids
If your child loves to read and loves horses, they will love great chapter books and classic novels about horses and ponies. These are some wonderful books for horse crazy elementary and middle school aged kids. Many of these books may be available at your local library.
Book Series About Horses
- Black Stallion - this is a series of books by Walter Farley. The first book was published in 1941. There are 20 books in the series and it's listed for ages 8 and up. See also Island Stallion.
- Saddle Club - the Saddle Club series was published between 1986 and 2001. The books were written by Bonnie Bryant and turned into a TV series. The books follow the adventures of three girls Carole, Lisa and Stevie as they learn to ride horses at Pine Hollow Stables in Virginia. The TV series is set in Australia. It's listed for ages 8 and up
Pony Pals - this series was written between 1995 and 2004 by Jeanne Betancourt. There are more than 40 books in the series.
- The Silver Brumby - by Elyne Mitchell. There are 16 books in the series
- Animal Ark - some books in this series are about horses or ponies. Look for Pony on the Porch, Foals in the Field, Horse in the House, Mare in the Meadow, Ponies at the Point, Pony in the Post and Stallion in the Stable
Horse Novels
- Black Beauty - written by Anna Sewell and published in 1877
- Misty of Chincoteague - by Marguerite Henry was published in 1947. It won the Newbery Medal. Follow up books were Stormy, Misty's Foal and Sea Star: Orphan of Chincoteague
- King of the Wind - by Marguerite Henry was published in 1948. It was another Newbery Medal winner.
- The White Stallion of Lipizza - by Marguerite Henry and published in 1964.
- My Friend Flicka - written by Mary O'Hara and published in 1941.
- A Horse Called Dragon - written by Lynn Hall
- National Velvet - by Enid Bagnold was published in 1935. It's a story about a girl named Velvet Brown who wins the Grand National. It was made into a movie starring Elizabeth Taylor and Mickey Rooney.
- Black Horses for the King - by Anne McCaffrey. It's listed for ages 12 and up.
- The Island of Horses - by Eilis Dillion
- Smoky the Cowhorse - by Will James
- The Little White Horse - by Elizabeth Goudge
- Leonardo's Horse - by Jean Fritz. This book is actually about a horse statue and Leonardo Da Vinci.
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© 2013 LT Wright