Look Into My Eyes ~ A Subliminal Poem
Look into my eyes
You know what I want
Your greasy hand petting me?
Try again.
I have lived here for seven years.
You should know me by now.
Quit giving me so much milk!
You watch too many cartoon cats lapping at milk.
It makes me constipated!
Guess again.
More water?
No thanks, I have plenty.
I'm making a mental note.
To trip you tonight during your midnight pee.
The question is: before or after you go?
Look into my eyes.
You adore me.
I tolerate you.
Now give me what I want!
Oh, how special.
A tiny bowl of little brown fish-shaped morsels.
You wonder why I throw-up at 3 a.m.
How would you like to eat only rice cakes every day?
You might slim down a bit.
Okay, you're not getting it.
Look into my eyes.
What do you see?
Look closer.
I'm here for your soul!
Nah, just kidding.
I want some catnip.
©LMY 6.20.2012