Look Up to God When You Feel Down
God is the originating Source of all comfort, peace, love, joy, protection, good health and provision. He is the "go to Person" for whatever ails you on every level of your being- physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritual. Go to Him when you are heavy laden with burdens and He will lift you up and give you rest. Cast your cares and surrender your concerns in prayer with thanksgiving to receive transcending peace. God provides sufficient grace for any and all things you will encounter in this life and He promises to deliver you from all troubles. When you feel down, look up to God, believe, be of good cheer and LIVE!
Look Up When Your Down
Do you ever have days
when your spirit is low?
When you ask yourself why,
but you don't even know?
When you're not quite yourself,
lost your get up and go?
Do you mope and find fault
with this world and mankind?
Do you yield to your mood
and feel hopeless inside?
Do you look to your future
and would rather die?
If you do, look to God,
who faithful and true.
God will love you and keep you
and free your mind too.
With God on your side,
there is nothing you can't do.
Through God's divine power,
you can survive these last days;
Just ask God to help you
and believe as you pray.
Hold fast to God's promises,
He will make a way.
(Psalms 121:1-2) "I lift up mine eyes unto the hills, whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth."
Be blessed,
Jo Anne Meekins
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