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Love is the Guiding Light. Sunday's Inspiration 9 to Carb Diva

Updated on May 19, 2019
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Manatita is an esteemed author living in London, UK. He writes spiritual books, flash fiction and esoteric poetry, his favourite genre.


On Love and God

"For behold, I'm with you always, even unto the end of time." Aramaic Bible

"My physical birth is not the end of my life.

I am an eternal journey." - Sri Chinmoy

Love is always with us, both seen and unseen; finite and infinite; with form as well as formless and in noisiness and silence. She is in the trees and mulberry plants; in the valley and mountains and hides in the fragrant breath of flowers.

It is Love which adorns us in our nakedness, prune our ignorance to enable the Light. She hides, like a shadow, watching our backs and even carries us, in the depths of despair. Why?

The earth is the Lord's and it's fullness there of and they that dwell therein it and he who does not Love, does not know God, for God is Love. (Scriptures paraphrased)

"There is only one thing that is, was and ever shall be

And that is Love. the Love that creates,

The Love that nourishes and the Love

That sustains God's universe." - Sri Chinmoy.

We have so many lovers on Hub Pages! We love our animals and pets, our family and kin, our kindred spirits … our desires and troubles. Amidst all this, the Creator or Absolute hides, playing His own divine game, running in and through all … transcending Its own Self, in the Spirit of Oneness. There is nothing outside the Divine and all is good. Praise be!"

This Heart is Wide Awake

This Heart is wide awake!

I seem to be sleeping, with eyes closed.

Yet I possess an awareness,

Infinitely vaster than Heaven.

Aren’t the jasmine and its redolence inseparable?

Why isn’t the embryo, the seed of the child;

The sky’s lion-thunder, a precursor of Light?

O Lantern, do not grieve when daybreak diminishes.

For after the sunset, I will give you another sunrise.

Aren’t my days and nights all friends of each other?

Yearn! Deeper than a crying child for its mother’s milk.

Even if there are a thousand winters,

I will cascade a million pathways, into

This moon of mines, to take you Home.

Manatita, The Lantern Carrier 19th May, 2019


To Bathe in This Void of Supernal Bliss

Sometimes, I'm nothing but a vale of tears …

A simple flute, echoing the music of this great Love.

At such times, my Heart - as if by an unknown power –

Becomes vast and endless, and as I said,

I'm nothing but a vale … a river of copious tears.

But my Beloved leaves and I continue seeking.

This great Joy … this vast Peace, must be

Equally in the seeking as much as the experience.

This land is so profound … so filled with mystery,

Who can tell? I know not where I am,

Nor whither I go, but for the blind hope…

The faith that sustains my dreams.

I am alive in You, O Empress.

Bind me to You strands of music, my regal One,

Your sweet chords, playing a symphony,

For my solace within the soul …

Let me rest, in the emptiness of

Your ever-transcending resonance,

To bathe in this void of supernal Bliss.

Manatita, The Lantern Carrier. 18th May 2019

Bob Marley's One Love

This Love

This Love is in my smile and prompts me to serve in wars and philanthropic acts of kindness. She is in my ego to achieve and in my humility to bow, like the tree, offering Her fruits to mankind. She admires the heavens … the perennial galaxies, but is in fact all these entities. O Lantern, where is my Beloved not? Take my feet and cast it in the direction where She's not found. Or is She a He or neutral? Not this .. not that... only the unfathomable breath of Sat, Chit ...Ananda (Existence, Consciousness, Bliss) Hari Om!

Oneness | Source

This Great Love

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Love is ...

"Love and devotion are one as the earth and sky are one. Neither exists without the other. May you be blessed with the joy from such a Love." Patricia Walter from Quotes

"Enlightenment or God-realisation … Self-Discovery, is our natural state. We are the image of Spirit and we are Spirit. We are unique and a projection of the Absolute, not separate, but serving as instruments, for the manifestation of Its Light. Our Source is the mystical inside us: The Heart, and we are Its vessels. - Manatita

© 2019 manatita44


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