Find The Cost of Freedom?
The muse is true
I speak to you
grace abounds in the fervent hearts of the lost
despairing, shelter-less, in the ideological frost
the bloodletting ,and in kind
dark interiors of mind,
splinter caravans of self doubt,
spinning secular sarcasm that protrudes,
illusions miring the mind with
perplexing puzzles that delude,
velvet words she utters without cost,
calling the innocent and the lost,
invoking the childhood dream that was once
swept away in the voice of the majorities scream,
Humility opens her hands
inviolate of temperate sands
to the rich and poor
for those seeking entry
she opens her door
no rhyme nor reason
original she remains, through the winds
and rains,
of all four seasons,
enter all whom shake and shrill and
abide in the warm even glow of humility's triumphant will..
© 2009 Michael Achilles