Tilopa to Naropa:
Allow the flow
Mahamudra cannot be taught
Relax, it is a process of becoming
The Natural awareness of the mind
Is always there
Even as the sun shines through millions of aeons
And loses not an iota of its brilliance
When you look into millions of miles of space
You look into millions of miles in time
And so time and space cease and lose all meaning
Then seeing becomes irrelevant
For what is seen when there is neither time nor space?
Even so
Is the mind
When the flow of thoughts turns from the object
To the Subject
And the light of Consciousness turns on itself
When the Subject sinks into itself
All thoughts cease
Then shines the mind in all its pristine glory
That is the mahamudra
Look at the river Ganga
At first, it was a rivulet rushing through a gorge
Then the river flowing through the plains
Reflecting the maturity of a mother's role
Let us consider the mind:
At first, it is a welter of emotions
Clothing and covering the clear mind
Then the clear light of knowledge
Turns the mind on its source
Space by itself
Has neither shape nor color
In itself it is Void
Empty and clean of matter
Even so, the mind is free and independent of its content
To shift from the thought
To the underlying untouched essence
Is the goal of sadhana
Just as a flash of light
Destroys the darkness of a million ages
So a moment of Nirvana
Destroys the tree of sangsara
Root and branch
Therefore, O my beloved Naropa,
Work out your salvation with diligence
As Sakyamuni told Sariputra