Mayonnaise Clinic's strange case of the upside-down patient
Once, long ago, to the clinic came
a gal whose problems had no name.
In the clinic, "Mayonnaise,"
It was to be "one of those days"
Would Medicare refuse to pay
those doctor bills they'd send that way?
This patient had unlisted ills,
"Let's hope insurance pays her bills."
Few patients had strange stuff as she..
This gal was built most strang-e-ly.
Her body, unlike yours and mine,
had all the parts, but out of line.
With belly backwards, liver, left,
the gal was of one lung bereft.
Her legs were where the arms belong,
with one leg short, the other long.
Her hands wore shoes to guard ten fingers,
the first ones, pinkies, and next were ringers.
She was a problem - one of a kind.
A cure, if any - hard to find.
To rid this patient of her ills
the docs abandoned all their pills.
They laid her backwards on her bed,
with feet where mostly folks put head.
The bad bugs in her soon got lost,
their nasty genes were now all crossed.
Cured, the gal jumped out of bed,
but landed right onto her head.