Mellow Legacy of Truth
It makes no sense
Except for this -
It works!
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Perhaps, my dear -
I may understand you
Clearer than it may appear.
Sometimes the heart can hear
Pulses that escape the ear.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Is that angels' wings I hear?
Is love so near?
Yet I can't touch it?
Why not?
Can't it appear
So I can be whole again
And know?
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
If I count my treasures
They are many.
Those that cannot be counted
Are the best.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Beauty is
What's alien
In what's
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
A man
Is no man
Who isn't.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
So full am I
Of life and joy
And desire to
Share it.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
I would come to you
As often as I need to come
To get inside.
But if you want me not
And turn me off
I will not come again.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
You came into my life,
My life
With no past or future
And little but
A fleeting present.
You gave into my life
A precious past
When you were near,
A future to anticipate,
A present sweetened
With its thoughts of you.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
When I know you best,
I can describe it least.
At this moment,
I know.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
You are like
Apples on an apple tree,
Or sweet peas on
A sweet pea vine
What else would one expect?
How glad I am you're mine!
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
If I could speak to you today,
What would I say?
Hasn't it been said in every way
Am I to simply listen?
And is it silence I must hear
I cannot bear to never
Hear your voice again,
Nor feel your presence.
And fantasy cannot sustain me.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
What is it that troubles you?
What fires have seared your soul?
What froze your mercy
And blocked
The passageway inside?
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
One face
One voice
One smile
One pair of eyes
One pair of hands
One silver head.
One hope
One faith
One love
One need
One world
One man -
I cherish.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
The spell.
The music and the silence
Speak for us who
Recognize the soul.
You know what I mean
And you hear well.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
It always used to make me cry ~
But you forgot
To turn the sun on
For me today.
And since you went away,
The moon has gone to sleep
In someone else's shadow.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Unless otherwise attributed, all design, graphics, photography and written material herein are original and copyrighted by Nellieanna H. Hay.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This material is protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Nellieanna H. Hay.
© 2011 Nellieanna Hay