"Men Stand Up And Reclaim Your Responsibilty To Your Families"
"Men Stand Up And Reclaim Your Responsibility To Your Families"
"Men stand up and reclaimYour Responsibility to your Families"
I'm not writing this hub to bash men or put them down, because there are great and honorable men out there. My hub is written to those of you, who are a walking pair of pants that call themeslves men. To you who are constantly, asking women for money, or asking her to help support your needs; what ever they are. I thought that I would never in my life time, see a pair of pants that calls himself a man; use women to try and get what they want. This doesn't apply to the men that are out there working their hearts out trying to take care of their families.
When I was out there in the dating game,I did run across a few manless people that wanted me to help them with this or that, but I couldn't help them because I had children to think about. I was very disappointed in that kind of men. Let's face it we do have supposably men out there that try to use women to get over, just like some women use men to get over.
My things is, can you really be a man if you're depending on a women for your survival and care. The bible said that you were the head of the household, but in some respect ,you're just as needy as some of the women out there. It's very disappointed to see men that suppose to be men, asking women for money and other services that they're suppose to have access too.
I have lost respect for these men that want a women to take care of them, we're already left with taking care of our children alone; now you want us to take care you as well. I don't think so. As I said I'm not trying to bash the man, I'm calling it the way I see it, and men remember what the old folks us to say, if the shoe fit wear it, if not, I"m not talking about you.
my daughter called me this morning, and I guess this is what prompt this hub. She was upset because she has no help raising her two sons, she has to do it all, and before she got her divorce, she was doing it all; she realized she can do bad by herself; she made the statement that she 's so tired of doing it alone. I'm sure many of you can relate to her.
We as mother's are trying to be both parent , and as hard as we try, we can't instill in our boys the male character or traits; that why we need the fathers to help us out. Where are the men in this world,? That call themselves fathers; when you're letting the mothers handle it all. If you want to be a man, then step up to the plate, and take back the responsibility you put on the women's back to bear.
It's not fair for the women to have to do it all, because she didn't have the children by herself, she had help. You that call yourself men, why not get out there and get a job and stop asking the women for money and a hand outs. You need to do the same thing that a women is doing to survive. Work your own labor, with your own hands and make your own money. Then you can feel honored and proud that you're finally walking in the shoes of a man and doing the things that God want you to do.
Be the man and the head of the household by taking up the responsibility of your own actions so families can start to live a normal and happier life again.
Benny Faye Douglass