Middle East Everlasting War - Go Drones Go!
Go drones go
War is what we know
Take them down quick
With just a finger click
Go drones go
Fly over their heads and wipe them out
While I sit comfy eating spaghetti while little kids cry out
They are all terrorist, don’t you agree
After all, they don’t look like me
They have no power like Russia
So it is nothing if they suffer
Go drones go, take them down before the game starts
Give them seven non virgins with a copper harp
Take their lands
They have nuclear plans
They tie their heads and worship Allah
They don’t accept the Christian Mother
Go drones go, look at their skin
They are not white like me, no next of kin
Look we like Micky mouse
They have weapons of mass destruction in their house
Their kids use guns
We have no kids here shooting schools and killing nuns
We are peaceful
They are awful
We are not racist here, blacks have the same rights
As long as they don't walk the streets day or night
Go drones go, wipe out the impurity
Go drones go, fulfill our agenda with certainty.
© 2020 Clive Williams