The Missing Piece Meets the Big O: Are You My Missing Piece?
The Missing Piece Meets the Big O is a book that you must read.
- Did you ever feel that something is missing inside you?
- Are you waiting for that special someone to come along?
- Do you sometimes feel empty and lonely?
- And when these feelings occur, have you tried looking for that something or someone to fill the "hole" within?
- Are you looking for your missing piece?
I guess at some point in our lives, we have felt those things. And we have been searching for the missing piece. For others, they have been able to answer these questions and it has given them much joy and peace already. And yet for the rest, who may be feeling lost and restless and uncertain, you may still be on the road searching for that one thing to fill you.
And if so, please continue reading. I now invite you to sit comfortably and read the wonderful story written by Shel Silverstein. The story entitled "THE MISSING PIECE MEETS THE BIG O."
Perhaps you will find the answer in the most unexpected way.
The Missing Piece Meets the Big O by Shel Silverstein
- The Missing Piece Meets the Big O
If you are unable to watch the youtube video, you have another option. Click this link to get the chance to read the story. Thanks.
Questions for Reflections or Discussion
After reading the story, this is a great time to reflect. And if you are like me, you could invite a friend(s), spouse, your students and share and discuss. Or you could also post your thoughts down below in the comment box.
- What character in the story could you relate the most?
- What is your missing piece?
- What is that something that you think you need in order for you to be fulfilled? Is it finding the right spouse? The right job? The right vocation? The right purpose? The right house? The right community?
- Have you at one time or the other found your missing piece, and later on heard yourself saying, "You have changed. You are not my missing piece anymore. Perhaps my true missing piece is still out there." So you find yourself leaving and searching again.
- Have you found yourself trying to change how you look, the way you dress, color your hair, perhaps in the hope that being more attractive, you would find that special someone to fill you, to complete you?
- Have you met people who have found fulfillment in life? And you want to know their secret to the joy that you see when they smile.
- Have you met people who are still restless, who keep running around always thinking that the grass is greener on the other side? That something or someone else is better.
- Which group do you belong to?
- What have you learned from the story? What are your reflections?
- Are you capable of believing that you do not need a person or thing to fill you? But you have to be whole from within?
About the Author
On Being Whole
I wanted to share with you this story because it's not preachy. It's not heavy with text (esp. for those who do not like to read books.) It's open for you to think and reflect. The drawings are simple, in black and white. But so much wisdom could be found in the book. It's pretty amazing!
I too went about my journey trying to find my missing piece. I thought it was finding the right partner, or being in the right job. But I have to honestly tell you that even when I was in a relationship and doing a job that involved helping kids, I still felt something was missing.
I too had a beautiful friendship with God even as a child. I knew how much He loved me. But still I found myself asking Him why all this emptiness. This story brought to life what I have discovered. To find joy and fulfillment, you have to be whole from within. I had to find myself.
I had to heal. I had to start loving me. I had to be okay being alone. I had to start getting to know myself. And appreciate who I am. Because God's love is best seen when we have truly discovered the beauty that is within us---just waiting for it to unfold. And so slowly the sharp corners became more rounded as I became more gentle with myself, as I learned to love myself.
The journey still continues. Living, learning and growing. And I hope for you as well.
Michelle Simtoco