Remembering Mother Corbin
I remember her spirit of gentleness, and kindness
Where grace found its place to shine,
A meek and quiet soul always patient
The fruits of the Spirit flowed through her life
Just like living waters refreshing us
With the peace she moved in,
O give praise and thanks to God
For giving us a memory,
We all have our own to remind us
Of all the joy we have experienced,
She holds a special place in our hearts
Mothers do that!
They transcend their own homes, and
Secure their places deep within the lives of others,
I was always reminded of my own dear mother
As she and I would sit and talk,
Her birthday one day before me-ma's,
I loved her from the beginning, and
I love her with no end,
She left her print upon my heart, and
I thank God for our paths having crossed, and
All the good times we shared at Church,
At the love feasts, at dinners,
where we would often break bread, and
Laugh in childlike splendor,
Koinonia fellowship so sweet, and wealthy,
I thank God for sharing her with me, and
Now, I pray comfort and strength for all the myriads of people
Who love her too, and who she has undoubtedly touched, and
Enriched by her regal presence,
Some have entertained angels, we have been blessed by a queen
Until that great day when we meet again,
On the other side of the river
We will all miss her yet, we are consoled,
By the thought of her and the special memories
That are ours to keep and not even death can take them away!
Our memories of Mother Corbin are the only treasures we have left
Give God praise for giving us our memories,
They are like pillows they comfort our hearts, and
We gain strength in remembering all the good.
***Thank You Heavenly Father for Mother Corbin's life***