Poem for My Mother
Mothers Day gift to my mom, I believe I wrote this in the year of 2012.
I actually wrote this many years ago, and it was left as a draft on this site. I republished it for the simple fact that it is coming close to my mothers death date. 11Nov2016. R.I.P Reida Bergman Davis
As a child you cared for me, you raised me to be a godly woman.
You gave me shelter in the rain and food when I was hungry.
While trials came and went, you always stayed true to God's teachings he placed in your hand.
Even though there was frustration in your eyes, you never stopped loving me.
As I got older and the tedious teenage years arrived, you almost lost confidence.
When I disobeyed, you got angry, sending stress vibes through your body.
I threw things, tantrums and harsh words, ridicule and repugnance.
Angry, emotional adolescent with my dramatic reactions.
Boys coming and going, friends always around putting you on the back burner, you felt of unimportance.
You never stopped loving me.
Staying deep in Gods words you prayed, with tears in your eyes you stayed in submission.
I was convinced that you hated every fiber of my presence,
on your last straw, strung out and exhausted, but always ignoring the devils temptation.
When nothing in the world made sense, one thing always stayed genuine.
You never stopped loving me.
Years flew by, I got older and came to mature.
As a teenager I never understood why you did the things you did,
I was rude and took you for granted. completely oblivious and unsure.
You told me "I'm doing this because I love you, you would understand when you got older."
Looking back I see who I was, now I understand. I hated who I was, filled with regret and remorse.
Behind all the drama and underneath the mask, I always loved you.
I didn't know how to show you, too embarrassed to even try,
Leaving me empty, careless shutting myself off to you.
Wasting time alone, leaving you neglected.
But you never gave up, you never stopped loving me.
One thing stays true behind all the turmoil is I never stopped loving you either.
~Virginia Lea