Murder on Fiction
Burning Proof by Janice Cantore
I was sent a free copy of Burning Proof by Janice Cantore for only my honest and unbiased review of Burning Proof by Janice Cantore.
I have to say I really enjoy this book. Sometimes I find Christian Fiction to not be a good as non-Christian Fiction, but this book really pulled out all the stops. You have Detective Abby Hart who is on the case. Abby Hart is a great lead character; she is fierce, determined, and caring. I often find that authors overlook making their main characters have normal traits like caring and compassion. This author made Abby in to a well balance character that readers can understand and feel for. I also enjoyed the Private Detective character Luke Murphy. He is a real down to Earth character who cares for Abby and wants to do what is best for her while also supporting her in finding her parent's killer.
I was sent a free copy of Thin Ice by Irene Hannon for free in exchange only for my honest and unbiased review of Thin Ice by Irene Hannon.
Thin Ice by Irene Hannon
As I wrote above: "I was sent a free copy of Thin Ice by Irene Hannon for free in exchange only for my honest and unbiased review of Thin Ice by Irene Hannon."
Thin Ice by Irene Hannon was a well written book with a fast moving plot line. I honestly expected the book to take place in a skating rink or something like that, but the only skating reference was to Christy's past career as an almost Olympic skater. I loved the interaction between Christy and the FBI Agent. The plot was well thought out my only regret was that the reader is never shown the fits kidnapping not.I felt like I was missing out on the that aspect.
I was sent a free copy of Murder on Safari: A Thriller by Peter Riva from iRead Book Tours in exchange only for my honest review of Safari: A Thriller by Peter Riva.
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The latest Tweets from Peter Riva (@PeterRivaAuthor). 40+ Years an agent, 15+ years producing, 7+ years writing - always trying something new. Gila, NM - Murder on Safari: A Thriller Book by Peter Riva | Trade Paperback |
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Available in: Paperback,NOOK Book (eBook). Only a reality TV producer and an expert safari guide can stop a terrorist attack.Every adventure
Peter Riva
Peter Riva uses his spare time to write books on Sci-Fi and Africa Adventure. Peter Riva came to write African books after he spent more than thirty years in Africa with the legendary guides for E. African White Hunters and adventurers. Peter Riva even created a TV show series which he names WildThings in 1995 for Paramount TV. Peter Riva came to write Sci-Fi after he worked from more than thirty years with leaders in aerospace and space exploration, which provided him with access to cutting edge science and future possibilities. Peter Riva currently works as a literary agent who spends his time in New York and New Mexico.
Peter Riva has written many books:
- Murder on Safari: A Thriller
- Reaching Angelica: Book #2 in the Tag Series
- A Tribal Rumble: A Safari Campfire Tale
- The Path
- Sightseeing: A Space Panorama
- Marlene Dietrich: Photographs and Memories
First off as I wrote at the top "I was sent a free copy of Murder on Safari: A Thriller by Peter Riva from iRead Book Tours in exchange only for my honest review of Safari: A Thriller by Peter Riva."
I had never read any book written by Peter Riva prior to Murder on Safari: A Thriller by Peter Riva. This is also my first book that takes place in Africa. The layout of this book was well done it begins with a map of the area that Murder on Safari: A Thriller by Peter Riva takes place in. Then each chapter has the location under the chapter title and the year in some chapters.
The book begins with the words, "Every adventure in the wild starts at the fringes of civilization." The book starts of in Kenya, 2002 with Mbuno (a safari guide with a lot of experience). The book begins slowly as the reader is introduced to Mbuno and the film crew, but this slow starts is by no means boring and many of the fact given make you feel that Africa needs to stay a wild and untamed area of the world.
As the book continues the reader is drawn in by the beautiful way that Africa is described in this book. It makes you want to got there and see the wonders for yourself up close and personal. It takes a while before the terrorist action begins, but once it does the book really heats up.
I really enjoyed reading this book as it is in many ways a crossover between genres that is wrapped up and written beautifully. I really liked the Pero Baltazar character and his role in the book as a State Department courier.
This is a book for anyone who enjoys reading about terrorist plots and African adventures. I would personally recommend this book to those who enjoy a suspense filled read with a thriller feel added in for good measure.