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My Confessions: No More

Updated on May 6, 2015

No more

Days of strolling

Through the park,


When the sun slips beyond the rim in glory

And lovers bunch bench.. scurry..gone..

Out of sight,


Brushing lips,

And scraping skins.

No more

Light crunch foliage

Under feet

No more

Sacred cup of water,

And fragrant depths

Under sheets

When the mercury

Dips down

The Sub

And the sky spawning snow,

Loosely lying out

Upon the sill,

No more



When you left the creaking

Door ajar for dancing.

No more


On the stage

In duet, singing songs

And dancing feather light

A blast of icy wind

Had an upper hand

Trembled the bones

And the morrows of our newly born love.


You fluffed the lines,

Floundered in the dark for awhile

Looking for the key,

For any crack in the wall,

Running in

Fast pace

Out away,

In all directions

With no avails,

No gate,

No quantum

Crackling spark leaping above-

Sudden waterfall like,down,

Over the edge,

Your steps.

I stood

-Only God knows how long-

Befor the moral tragic end

As a temple bells

In a celestial sphere

With clappers


So clear,

So loud,

Declaring in vain,alas :

On the horizon’s nearing line,

Where the sky rests

As white as dusty ice cream,

That a speck of light

Will peek through

The blob ,

Warm enough,


Widely spread,

Within the space

You are



Like a blind squirl,

Just stop ,

Call it a day

And then rest your dizzy whizzing head

Upon my heart,

Sweet tune,

Sweet equilibrium.


Towel already on the ground,

Shutters rolled down,

No more listening

And then you came back

Too late,

Recovered from women's foolishness

Only later,


With cheeks blooming red roses

And hair coal black, touched by silver moonlight

To find me gone

Out of life,

Stir caldron now

As you read these lines

Or stoke dying embers

Dusty relics I’m,-ashes enough to fill

The dusk gaze


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