My Dance With Eve
Dancing with Eve on an April night
There is nothing like a Spring night exuding it's sweetness
Tonight was a
soothing balm
brushed softly
through new leaves
to grace my face.
Sweet scented April
wooed me
with a perfume
only a goddess
would wear,
as I stood
in the middle
of my two acres
clad only in
a bathing suit.
Immersed in
the warmth
of a spring welling
up around me while
my neighbors had
they seen me
would have thought
me rather strange
and they would
have been right.
I do not fit amidst
these natural elements
I am an intruder
who delights
in his trespass.
Just a speck
of flesh
in the middle
of a vast field
miles from
savoring the
night's call.
I could almost
see others all over the world
standing somewhere
outside in their skivvies,
nightgowns, tighty whities
panties and bras.
Clothing is optional
on the cusp of
Aprils warm breath.
Perhaps even
in The Ukraine
men in their
government issued
green boxer shorts
stand weaponless
gazing at the peace
only the night can bring
when April dances in.
Even tiny infants
cribbed behind bars
stir in their sleep
limbs reaching...
s t r e t c h i n g
towards the window,
longing to be out there
in mother earth's
most cuddling womb.
I wanted to
dance through
fresh shoots of grass,
leaping over wildflowers
that were just peeping out
from a long sleep.
No moon tonight
it faces away
from such beauty
hiding it's
airless desolation.
I wanted to just kiss
something, someone
but I was alone
and trees are
not tender to
human embraces
so I just stood there
absorbing it all
letting it sway my spirit
into physical words.
I have been
here before
in years passed
when I often fled
to such nights
and suckled
their sweetness
as a child
of the projects
savoring a dessert
even poor folks
could enjoy.
I have known
many Aprils
even dated a few
of the human kind
but tonight this April
rivals all in a
marriage of flesh
and fortune
at simply being alive
and watching the season
become the true reason
that I write.
© 2010 Matthew Frederick Blowers III