My Journey to Becoming a Writer
I started this journey through a gate as big as my wildest dreams
But as I took that first step the walls began to close in on me
At first I thought I was trapped because I didn’t see a way out
But upon inspecting the darkness I discovered a concealed route
Without any light at the end of this tunnel I experienced some hesitation
But without any alternatives I began to walk despite my reservations
I traveled for what seemed like an eternity in a path that led to nowhere
The walls were coated in slime and there was a putrid smell everywhere
When I could go no further I happened upon a ladder that only led down
I guess my destiny would have inevitably led me somewhere underground
I worked my way down the ladder rung by rung slowly and steady
But what happened next was completely unexpected and I was not ready
A flash of heat came through the ladder searing my hands causing me to let go
I was free falling at terminal velocity at that point my fate was unknown
I prepared myself for the impending doom when my body would hit the floor
But a fall to my death wasn’t in the cards; fate had something much worse in store
My fall was broken by branches with barbs that began to cleave my flesh
Thistle and thorns would save my life but the pain left me out of breath
I sat on a bed of my painful rescuers dazed and not knowing what to do
In all of my dreams I never expected this; my worst nightmare had come true
The only way out was to climb my way up, thankfully the ladder was still there
But the thistles and thorns would cut me to shreds, leaving my bones bare
My choices were bleak; I could stay down here and wait till I rotted away
Or climb through a labyrinth of thistle and thorn and maybe live to see another day
I thought and I thought trying to decide which would be a worse fate
Since staying here was not an option, I climbed my way through Hell’s gate
I climbed up the ladder and every step led me to excruciating pain
I thought for sure if I had to endure more it would drive me completely insane
Fueled with a determination that was three parts madness and one part a will to live
I climbed and I climbed each rung of the ladder thinking I had no more to give
When I finally made it to the top I collapsed to the floor, still alive to my relief
But I knew my victory was short lived for I still was trapped in this monster’s teeth
There still wasn’t a way out so I had to go back the way I had come from before
I had to lean on those slimy walls because I couldn’t keep my feet steady on the floor
I was wobbly and woozy I thought for sure I was going to lose this fight
But the Gods had given me a blessing for the room was flooded with light
I found out two important things that day that would change my world forever more
I made it through the horrid ordeal scarred and traumatized like a soldier at war
I knew now with all my heart that I would live my life my life as a fighter
But I had also discovered that I had achieved my dream. I was now a writer