My brother I Still Miss You like crazy
My brother my brother where are you?
I think of you a lot and I wish that you were
still here with me today. Though I know that
you’ve gone away in a lovely place to stay.
I heard your favorite song playing in church yesterday
(Excellent Jesus excellent, you are excellent in
all the earth if the people don’t want to praise
You, you’re still excellent in all the earth).
Tears filled my eyes and I started to think of
all the wonderful times we had together. Your time
on earth was rather short only for five years,
you came to stay.
Now it’s twelve years since
you’ve gone away. I wish I had a brother now,
but am still glad that GOD found it fit to send
you my way, even though it was just for a little stay.
I miss you so much I can never forget you.
I have never loved anyone as much as I loved you.
You were my joy, my peace and I will always cherish you.
No matter who comes or who goes you will forever
be in a special place in my dear heart.
I know you’re much happier in that great
city above. I live for the day we’ll meet and
greet each other someday.
All I can do now is send messages with angels.
To say I still love and miss you so very much.
Written by: Joanna Chandler
Copyright © 2012