In Memory of Sandy Hook Elementary: New Angels Play In Heaven
I just don't understand the cosmic significance of that day.
So many innocent lives lost
Now 22 new angels in heaven play
Why did someone demand such a cost?
Was it to remind every parent in the world
Every day spent with their children is a gift
That every night we should hug them tight
And pour our love in every goodnight kiss.
Was it to remind us all
To say our prayers at night
To ask God for his protection
Of our most precious delights.
Why do new angels in heaven play?
Was it really their time
Why couldn't their parents have
One last moment to say goodbye
Why did the actions
Of a careless one
Make so many cry
When that fateful day was done
New angels in heaven play
May their souls know eternal peace
And may God have mercy on us all
And make this madness cease.