New Birth’s Reveling
New Birth’s Reveling
Frogs, land bound, returns to water to lay their eggs that hatch into water bond tadpoles that has no legs. I wonder if they realize this life is not their destiny but there’s something else they are destined to be, like frogs that are known to live only on the earth, the beings who copulated to cause their birth. What about the beings known to have a life on earth of whom it’s said you must go through new birth and are not a being that dies over and over again nor live on earth but some place in the sky, how’s it possible a new birth want let you die, how can that come to be?
From Birth...
At birth, how to survive was all I needed to know
so all I got went to my mouth,
and fate decreed that I should survive and grow.
My next stage was learning mobility
as desires cause me to move,
turn, crawl, and then walk with liberty.
Being protected from the natural environment
social standards I was required to learn,
so from training on the pot to school I went.
Next was higher schooling or to the work force
and here the choice became mine,
but once it's work until death it is the course.
Consideration for mating becomes intense about here
so I searched for the perfect mate,
and with our planned uniting did both our families cheer.
Now life becomes routine, with most learning behind
I accept this my social lot of boredom,
but by entertainment and vacations some excitement I do find.
The Mind Change
Throughout this course some form of god was pushed on me
to choose god, the devil, or become atheist,
but only a god saves man from hell for all eternity.
There's a Theist group who teaches the concept of New Birth
by which we are saved from the burning hell,
by receiving it we are set apart from all other man of earth.
If by New Birth I'm set apart from all other man
should the above routine be mine,
or is there another course set for all who are Born Again?
Looking over the above I see a change in my course
which parted me from the natural environment
to satisfy social standards, by training it was enforced.
Being Born Again I must redo my mental slate
to follow a routine given from within,
and like all lifes in nature accept destiny's fate.
...To New Birth
Before the training started what I did came from within
as conditions dictated my course,
to grow up in New Birth it's there I must again begin.
Without the conditioning clothing I would never wear,
flesh nor cooked foods would be my meals,
cold nor heat would I reject, nor control my odor or hair.
Had I been born in nature I would never want a house,
the environment would educate me well,
and needing only mother's nursing she would never need a spouse.
Mating would be for reproduction, not for the pleasure of the act,
if by environmental laws I was left to live,
and at puberty I would first mate is a well-known fact.
Both genders would be man, boys, girls, and children our divisions,
Femininity and Masculinity would be balanced in both,
and each would be responsible for the results of their decisions.
Technology I would see as my own mechanical ability
which, being made can not exceed its maker,
but by depending on it we are weakened quite extensively.
Being in a New Birth such strengths I would regain,
I'll physically do what man has long forgotten,
and being God's child would become God again.
© 2019 Elijah A Alexander Jr