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Why Our Ladies Make a Difference on HP

Updated on August 12, 2012
Our Elite team....If you don't see yourself in because you were texting or combing your hair..!
Our Elite team....If you don't see yourself in because you were texting or combing your hair..! | Source
Greetings from AEvans and kelly RHW
Greetings from AEvans and kelly RHW

We have noticed, since we joined in here, that there is a special breed in HubPages. The people might agree with me.

From Maddie Rudd and her holistic health, to nutrition, to eating disorder Fantwia Fowler, the girl behind the glitches and the warnings..and the upgrading in Norah Casey and Mausmi Mehta, who believe it or not..are the ladies moderators that are behind the scenes..and having a yellow flag on Cagsil and whoever might go against the politics of this site.

From our beloved Simone S. Smith, who is looking great on those testing videos from HP..And Oh wow! She worked with a famous Washington DC cupcake shop, a technology forecasting firm, an alternate reality game company, a green fashion magazine, a San Francisco-based chocolate factory, a fitness franchise, two environmental nonprofits, and a medical instrument company...Luckily she didn't put the doing windows cliche from RealHouseWife Kelly..who still owes me that swimming boy toy pool experience.

We want to mention Paul's wife Robin, who has 2 wonderful daughters and an especial heart..we can read through the pictures. Her time as a mom and as a wife fills her Heart and..that's why you see the joy of life in her pics...We don't Forget Paul's mother, who every now and then check on us...Can you believe it?

We have sent a letter to Pia Chartejee to make suggestions, but, we will see to it. She has written for Business 2.0, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco Business Journal. No wonder she is in here. I'm telling you, we can read pictures and she is the sweetest thing you could ever met. Now..enough of Public Relations and CEO introduction...the other ladies that make the difference are... our Writers!!.

We cannot stop thinking in how..where! and what these ladies were thinking when they joined this site?

First of all it can be pretty absorbing to be here. But some of us cheat..MissOlive texting and checking her FaceBook as she drives down Rodeo Dr. GYPSY ROSE LEE might be away, but has her Hub-Hoppers account on 100%, Mary Hyatt wakes up early to feed her two dogs and set up her desk and makes sure she kept track of her daughters...ever seen some pics with a different shade? This means to us..that she was about to do a multitasking 'move' and the picture just caught the humor of the moment....not many know this thing. Ever heard of photogenic eyes?

We can go and go explaining and telling you about these fine Ladies. Susan Zutautas, just ask her? She just left to get more Flour for her last list of recipes..her twins can eat. Tammy S. is also another good friend. She just called Pa and everything was fine; 52 degrees and sunshine. She is a smart and devoted more Bears for this occasion, okay?

Kelly Umphenour is our Cheerleader. She still looks like 29 and tomorrow will open her presents and will have to take her 3 daughters rants. I've been told that raising Girls is not that easy. Am I wrong Kelly?

Sunnie Day is busy right now. Cooking for her kids...some came from out of state, but she will read us eventually. Between you and me guys, she needs all the Love of the world. Her dad died on December 10, 2010 and this is her first Christmas without him. And four nights ago, she and her elderly mom had an incident with a deer, and even a wild dog showed up and wanted to take this poor thing way back into the bushes for food. Give her a shout out!!

See? I just sensed MissOlive cheating again; she just logged in through her Iphone! She said bye for the day, and that she will be busy.

How about our friends from the other side of the World: Raciniwa, Eddy, Vinaya and Marty Coetser in South Africa; they are ahead of us and are ready to receive Santa "first comes first serves!!" Sorry if we missed the rest but this is hot from the press and I'm eating as I write...!

We know that Drbj thinks that laughter is the best medicine. Right now she is in South Florida, at the mall trying to get her own Polka dot Bikini, since we got the word out.

How about Effer?This lady named Paula has a unique way to express herself, "Get outta here!!" Right now she is taking care of her whole family plus a baby. She had enough of our medicine, her 4 sons can eat too."Mom! where is the Meatloaf??''

Jt Walters is a caring mom to her Autistic Son. Her political hubs can chase away non political correct Hubbers....funny how we never heard from Cagsil in here..just in FaceBook? Did he get banned again? " however, and we cannot control his views, he might as well keep up with us at our Hub Hoppers site

Barbergirl28 is busy right now with her kids but besides the Army and her Barber shop license being renewed, she was also trained for massage therapy. So, team moderators could come up with an applet to see how we can feel a sampling of her hands, many more writers would join.It is what it is!!

Audrey Hewitt sings classical music and she is a voice teacher in the San Francisco bay area. Every now and then she leaves a comment and keeps her busy schedule going.

Melbel from the "Southwestes" Side of Michigan is our Twitter genius. You ever seen a girl walking through a red light, 'texting' to her sister at Perdue and getting hollered at!!, by this madman driver? She just looked at him like on her famous picture in here!

We can continue with our praise to them and you know who you are here!! All make a difference and we celebrate their spirit and their love!!

We cannot forget about Ardie!! Our redheaded Hubber. She is always here, sometimes she doesn't comment... she just needs a chuckle and that is enough. Her older daughter is about to become our first female rocket Scientist...just ask Ardie, "did you say Contest"

AEvans, is a busy mom and working on her own projects. We wish her luck!

GYPSY ROSE LEE, Eloped to Kosovo..I mean Riga Latvia a while ago now lives in a house outside of the city center in what looks like suburbia with her husband Martin and their wonderful cat Sid.

We add Janine Huldie and her two daughters along with Alwyas exploring. They always pay a visit to this author no matter what. Cannot add Josh or Billy... this is just a tribute to our ladies!

Do you recognize any hubber in here??


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